Hierarchy of Legal Documents
International deals
Decree Laws
Executive Decrees
Magisterial Resolutions
Panama approved its Constitution as an independent State in 1904, after its
Colombian independence (1903).
Title I. The Panamanian State
Title II. Nationality and aliens
Title III. Individual and social rights and duties
Title IV. Political rights
Title V. The Legislative Branch
Title VI. The Executive Body
Title VII. The Administration of Justice
Title VIII. Municipal and Provincial Regimes
Title IX. The Public Treasury
Title X. The National Economy
Title XI. public servants
Título XII. Fuerza pública
Title XIII. Reform of the Constitution
Title XIV. The Panama canal
Title XV. Final and Transitory Provisions.
It is the norm that governs our social conduct..
Acts of the Legislative Assembly can be found that lack the material or substantial element of the law, that is, that normative aspect and mandatory compliance with the law.
Within the limits and conditions established in the Constitution, the Executive Branch will have, on certain occasions, the power to issue legal norms that have a legislative nature.