Block 1:
Big ideas in organisation
FINANCE (Raising finance-small and medium-sized)
- Lease finance
- Bank overdrafts and bank facility finances
- Financing through dept factoring
- Equity finance
- Financing through retained earnings and working capital management
- Venture capital and private equity
The Marketting Mix
Operations Management
The operations input–process–output model
Operations Strategy
Marketing and Operations Coordination
PROCESS - Managing processes
OUTPUT - Managing outputs
INPUT -Management input resources
The Hayes and Wheelwright four-stage model
Stage 1 Internally neutral
Stage 2
Externally neutral
Stage 3 Internally supportive
Stage 4 Externally supportive
Managing the outputs
Organising the input resources
Managing processes
operations strategy decision
Capacity and facilities
Supply chain development
Performance objectives
1 Quality
2 Speed
3 Flexibility
4 Sustainability
5 Dependability
6 Cost
Areas of conflict between marketing and operations
Stock control
Capacity planning
Breadth of range
New products
Improving coordination
. Speed
. Insight
. Access
. Flexibility
Demand chain management
The Marketing Environment
The micro environment
Marketing intermediaries
The Marketing Concept
The macro environment (STEEPLE)
(S)Social factors
(T)Technological factors
(E)Economic factors
(E)Environmental factors
(P)Political factors
(L)Legal factors
(E)Ethical factors
- The marketing function
- Marketing orientation
- Mission, vision and values
1.Defining marketing
- Corporate strategy
7 Organisational opportunities and resources
The process of marketing research
- Research planning
- Exploratory research
- Refining the research design
- Main research collection
- Analysis & interpretation
- Reporting of findings
Types Of Marketing Information
Organisational records (Internal)
Marketing research (Primary & Secondary)
Marketing intelligence (External)
Market influence model for operations strategy develelopment
(Variety flexibility, Mix flexibility, Volue flexibility)
environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability
- The marketing process
Organisation’s mission, vision and values
Step 2: Strategy selection
Step 3: Formulation of the offering
Step 1: Analysis of the market
Step 4: Implementation, monitoring and evaluation
The traditional and extended marketing mixes
- Price
- People
- Promotion
- Physical evidence
- Place (distribution)
- Process
- Product