The restoration is overturned
The consolidation of liberal regimes
The revolutionary wave of 1820
The revolutionary wave of 1830
The revolutionary wave of 1848
Great Britain
Prussia and Austria
The United States
Three waves of antiabsolutist revolutionary movementes in Europe
Holy Alliance took part in military interventions in Spain, Naples and Piedmont
There were revolutions in Spain, Portugal, Naples and Piedmont
Inspred of the Spanish Constitution'1812
In 1822, revolutionary outbreaks in France and Russia
Greece's independence
Started a war
Great Britain, Russia and France took part in 1827
Greece gained independence in 1830
King of France Louis XVIII was succeeded by Charles X
He reigned in an absolutist way
A goup of intellectuals, students and workers organised the July Revolution in Paris
The King abdicated
A parliamentary monarchy was establishedunder Louis Philippe of Orelans
Belgium delcared their independence
And established a parliamentary monarchy
The overthrow of Charles X
Influenced the nationalistic uprising in Poland
It was crushed by the tsar's army
In France, Louis Philippe of Orleans was becoming more conservative
Workers suffered the most from the effects of and intense international crisis
This all led to a revolution
Second French Republi was established
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was elected president
He proclaimed the Second French Empire in 1851
The revolution of 1848 spread to cities in Austria, the Gernman Confederation, Italy and Russia
When they ended, political breakthroughs had been made in all regions except for Russia
Second French Empire
Regime that mantained universal manhood suffrage
Everything depended on Napoleon III
Instead of elections, the emperor called plebiscites or referendums
Questions were asked on a tricky way
Queen Victoria(1837-1901)
Two parties
Liberal party(Whigs)
Conservative Party(Tories)
Censitary suffrage
Freedoms were limited
Converted to a dual monarchy in 1867
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Two capitals, governments and parliaments, and a single sovereign
Universal manhood suffrage made considerable progress
Submission of the indigenous population and violent repression
Slvaery was still legal in the south
Northern States wanted to create the COnfederate States of America
American Civil War
The North won, and president Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves
Racist segregation
Wyoming recognised women's suffrage
Mass inmigration from Europe