Reagan Second term
Sexual Orientation
Campaign for homosexual rights - spurred on by the outbreak of AIDS
Reagan admin did not do much to help with AIDS crisis - very conservative
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Patriotic Renewal
civil rights
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women's movement
S and L scandal
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extended voting rights act
Reagan wanted to return pride to America
1984 summer games
1986 centennial of statue of liberty
1987 200th anniversary of constitution
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Costs of social security, medicaid, medicare all sky rocket in the 1980s
went against reagans view of small government and less domestic spending
more african americans being elected
first black mayors
1983- MLK day
women consistently getting higher level jobs
more women getting careers in medicine and law
era died
anti abortion groups tried to get Roe v wade overturned
supreme court
1981- sandra day O'connor - first female SC justice
Court becomes more conservitive
Reagan deregulates banks this allowed banks to give out riskier loans and investments
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People started to default on the loan given out S and L's lose billions of dollars because people weren't paying their loans back - Reagan forced to bail out the S and L's with tax payers money
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