liberal revolutions

The restoration is overturned

three ways of

antiabsolutist revolutionary movements in europe.

transition from

strong nationalist component.

an estate system to a class society

revolutionary wave of 1820

parts of Spain, Portugal, Naples and Piedmont

they ere revolutioners

Holy Alliance

military interventions

reinstated absolutism.

Holy Alliance declined some divisions

Portuguese revolutionaries

establish a constitutional regime.

revolutionary wave of 1830

king of France

succeeded by Charles X

reign in an absolutist way

groups of intellectuals, students and workers

organised the July Revolution

After the king abdicated

parliamentary monarchy was established

under Louis Philippe of Orleans

recognised national sovereignty

Belgians proclaimed their independence

from Kingdom of Netherlands

Charles X also influenced

in Poland

revolutionary wave of 1848

reign was becoming more conservative

This all led to a revolution

workers suffered the most

Second French Republic

international economic crisis

workers’ uprising

repressed by the army.

Napoleon’s nephew

elected president

proclaimed the Second French Empire

democratic and social demands

When they ended

political breakthroughs

consolidation of liberal regimes


defended universal manhood suffrage

under one principle ‘one man, one vote’.

‘one man, one vote’.

parliamentarians or deputies

organised themselves into political parties

to promote ideas and interests


was no real separation of powers

everything depended on Napoleon III.

emperor called

plebiscites or referendums

to justify his position.

great britain

monarch was Queen Victoria

parliamentarism became very stable

power alternating between two

Liberal Party

Conservative Party

Prussia and Austria

Revolution of 1848

establish a censitary suffrage

freedoms were limited

mobilisation of the Hungarian nationalists

converted the two countries

Austro-Hungarian Empire

had two capitals

united states

first to recognise women’s suffrage

racial segregation with frequent violence

Two major political parties



more liberal and industrialised North won

leadership of President Abraham Lincoln

tried to form an independent state

which led

American Civil War

still slavery in the southern states

territorial expansion to the west

submission of the indigenous population

industrialisation and American economic improve

attracted immigration from Europe

ellis island

19th century

45 million Europeans emigrated

United States


New Zealand







