Peng Kee's Adaptation
Extreme Physical condition
Obtain air in water
Adaptation in the dark
Obtain enough sun light
To catch prey
Escape from predators
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Obtain enough water
Protect themselves from high temperatures
Reduce water loss
Jackrabbit and fennec fox
Sleep during the day,hunt only at night when the temperature drops
Block the entrance of their burrows with soil o keep hot winds out
Large ears
Kangaroo rat
Desert tortiose
Can live without water for many weeks and drink up 100 litres at on drinking session
Obtain water by eating seeds
Dig shallow pits to catch water when expecting rainfall
Large number of blood vessels
Greater body surface area
Lose heat faster
Swollen stem to store water
Round-tailed ground squirrel
Slow down life processes to conserve water and energy
Specialised organ in the nose
Thick waxing coating,reduced leaf size to spines
Absorb moisture out of their exhaled air
Prevent excessive water loss
Cold Enviroment
Hot enviroment
Keep warm
Obtain enough food
Avoid or defend against predator
large furry feet or having smooth streamlined shape
Layer of fat ,short body parts,thick layers of fur,short and hairy parts
Eat large amounts of food
Swarming behaviour or fur that can blend in in the snowy back ground
Have to carry out respiration
Land animals can breath in oxygen in the air
Aquatic animals can either breath in oxygen from the air or dissolved oxygen
Structural adaptation
Breathing tubes
Gill chambers
Using air bubbles
Special Nosrtils
Thin layer of wet skin
On top of their head
Help them breath when they are near the surface of the water
At the tip of their snouts or heads that are closed when underwater
Weddell seal and snowshoe hare
Arctic fox and polar bear
Store water and jeep the gills wet all the time
Crocodile and alligators
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