Arts connecting to everyone


The colours Tarsila do Amaral uses aims to create a depressing mood to the art piece while Di Cavalcanti is trying to portray a more joyful mood.

It is possible to see that the artwork, "Baile Popular", has crooked lines giving movement to the art piece such as the "Samba". On the other hand, "Operários" portrays a more delicate message, therefore, the lines are straight and people's face is also facing forward.

The space used serves for different reasons in the artworks. "Operários" uses almost half of the space to show the people and the other half to show the scenario to give context and the emotive appeal to the audience. "Baile Popular" uses the space as well as the objects to show the Brazilian parties.

They both uses loads of shadows to emphasize the most important parts of the artwork



Facial expression

To create a more depressing mood to your artwork, the colour pallet should be darker and shading is very important, therefore, the unhappy side of my artwork will be full of shadings

The vibrant part of my artwork will be full of colours and gradients to create more colours

It's important for the facial expression to be very clear, as it will help me portray the message. I'll use collage and the face will be drawn with more shading in the depressing part to demonstrate tiredness

The lines of the left(depressing) side will be straight, however, I'll try to do some crooked lines in the right side to give movement to my art piece, such as in the swing.

I'll show how the appearance influences what you think about a person as well as the problems there are in our society.


The sky will be the same tone of blue to show that both children live in the same country

It won't be realistic, as the sizes won't be drawn to scale. The most important objects will be bigger and the face(main part of my artwork) will be the biggest drawing of all elements.

The factories used will be inspired in Tarsila do Amaral's artwork "Operários"

The lines will be straight to show that they message I'm trying to convey is serious

The space used will be similar to Tarsila's, as she uses a lot of her space to show the setting

History + Culture: Both of the works were made in different historical period. "Operários" was made in a historical period that was very industrialized, while "Baile Popular", shows the daily Brazilian culture and form of partying.