Nervous System Naomi Patino
Period 3
Major functions of the nervous system
Action Potential and Nerve impulses
Reflex Arc
Tissues of the nervous system
Connective tissue covering
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Classification of neurons
Sensory input
Integration & processing
Motor output
Neurons-> cells that communicate, via electrical impulses, with
other neurons or other tissues.
Neuroglia-->cells that support, nourish, protect, and insulate
Neurotransmitters--> the chemical messengers in a synapse, that
convey an electrical impulse from a neuron to another cell.
+Central Nervous system--> Made up of the brain and spinal cord.
Responsible for integration of information and decision-making.
+Peripheral nervous system-->Made up of cranial and spinal nerves that connect the CNS to the rest of the body
Contains sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) divisions
Somatic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system.
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Multipolar neurons: have many dendrites and one axon arising from
their cell bodies; most neurons with cell bodies in CNS
Bipolar neurons have 2 processes extending from the cell body, a dendrite and an axon;
Unipolar neurons have only 1 process extending from the cell body; outside the cell body, it soon splits into 2 parts that function as 1 axon;
Motor Function
Sensory Function
Integrative function
Carinal and spinal nerves
31 Pairs of spinal cords/ 8 cervical/ 12 thoratic/ 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal
Carnial are connected to the brain and brain stem
The carinal nervese send in sensory information to all 5 sense
The spinal nerves can help communicate with the brain and to help command it on what to do
Threshold stimulus
it is strong stimulus that can cause a lot of NA+ nerouns to enter the body.
NA+ channels
Ions that flown through the cells of the nerous and making them into negative cells because of the gradient of the concentration.
Action pontential
can be created by the synapse, the synapse can be turn into a communicator.
Presynaptic Neruon- messenger E
Postynaptic neuron- Recieving messages.
Neroun/ Axons/ Dendrites/ Nerves/ Neruoglia
Cells that help support the neurons and also protect nerves
Empendymal cells/ Microglia/ oligodenroctyes
Sensory Neuron
motor neuron