The environmental stimulus plants most often use to detect the time of year is called photoperiod, the relative lengths of day and night.
Plants whose flowering is triggered by photoperiod fall into two groups. One group, the short-day plants, gener-ally flower in late summer, fall, or winter, when light peri-ods shorten. Chrysanthemums and poinsettias are examples of short-day plants. In contrast, long-day plants, such as spinach, lettuce, radishes, and many cereal grains, usually flower in late spring or early summer, when light periods lengthen. Spinach, for instance, flowers only when daylight lasts at least 14 hours. Some plants, such as dandelions, tomatoes, and rice, are day-neutral; they flower when they reach a certain stage of maturity, regardless of day length.
In the 1940s, researchers discovered that flowering and other responses to photoperiod are actually controlled by the length of continuous darkness, not the length of continuous daylight. That is, “short-day” plants will flower only if it stays dark long enough, and “long-day” plants will flower only if the dark period is short enough. Therefore, it would seem more appropriate to call the two types “long-night” plants and “short-night” plants. However, the day-length terms are embedded firmly in the literature of plant biology and so will be used here.
Notice that the top short-day plant will not flower until it is exposed to a continuous dark period exceeding a critical length (about 14 hours, shown in the middle bar).
he effect of night length on a long-day plant. In this case, flowering occurs when the night length is shorter than a critical length (less than 10 hours, in this example, as seen in the top bar of this group). A dark interval that is too long will prevent flow-ering (middle bar in this group). In addition, flowering can be induced in a long-day plant by a flash of light during the night (bottom bar).
Most species of plants have a critical night length, but how that critical night length affects flowering varies with the type of plant. In short-day plants, the critical night length is the minimum number of hours of darkness required for flow-ering; less darkness prevents flowering. In long-day plants, this critical night length is the maximum number of hours of darkness required for flowering; less darkness promotes flowering.
remains to be learned, but photoreceptors called phytochromes are part of the answer. Phytochromes are proteins with a light-absorbing component.
Phytochromes were discovered during studies on how different wavelengths of light affect seed germination. Many types of seeds germinate only when light conditions are near optimal, an adaptation that increases the chances of survival for the seedlings. Red light, with a wavelength of 660 nm, was found to be most effective at increasing germination. Light in the far-red range (730 nm, near the edge of human visibil-ity) inhibited germination. Furthermore, researchers found that the last flash of light a seed is exposed to determines the seed’s response. In other words, the effects of red light and far-red light are reversible.
The bot-tom two bars indicate that no matter how many flashes of red or far-red light a plant receives, only the wavelength of the last flash of light affects the plant’s measurement of night length.
Plants also have a group of blue-light photoreceptors that control such light-sensitive plant responses as phototropism and the opening of stomata at daybreak. Light is an especially important environmental factor in the lives of plants, and diverse receptors and signaling pathways have evolved that mediate a plant’s responses to light.
most terrestrial ecosystems, plants are primary producers that sit at the base of the food web. Plants are therefore subject to attack by a wide range of herbivores (plant- eaters).
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