Who was EVI?
Born to H8 and Jane Seymour Oct 1537, the only legit son of H. Became king at 9. Reign of a 'minor'. Hugh Latimer (Protestant), quoted Ecclesiastes in 1549, 'Woe to thee, O lan, where the king is a child'.
Other Child monarchs had not seen success.
How do we know so much about him?
Main source = his Chronicle. Started age 12, completed daily until after 15th. Able young monarch, well informed on gov business. Produced for scrutiny of E's professors, but after May 1551, used for own initiative.
What was the upbringing of E6?
Many personal servants: 3 physicians, 6 surgeons, 2 apothecaries, French cook, stone engraver, organ maker, 3 court painters, French tutor, 5 scholars, 5 musicians and 4 principle gentlemen. 3 gentlemen and 5 grooms always present. Hardly ever alone. Walls and floors washed 3x daily.