Identifying and helping struggling students in my classroom
Signs of struggling students
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Involving parents
Referral to special education
School Administrative Directive for special education
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building community
building trust with them and setting a common goal)
impulsive ( getting out of their seats)
unable to work independently
talking and seeking help from Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multi Tiered Support Service (MTSS) person
referring to Phycologist to the Center For Evaluation to the County
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enough special teachers and teacher assistants
Following Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Differentiative instruction to assist struggling students
chunking the work
utilizing peer tutors
working with them more often
modifying the activities
grouping by reading levels
refuse to work
talking positive about their child then just addressing negative
interrupting teachers
not being at their grade level
showing behavioral issues
sleeping all the time
identifying and confirming the signs after working on them for atleast 6 to 8 weeks
staff sufficiency
interacting and holding meetings about the child's progress at least once a year.
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Taking consent of parents or guardians
Sima Jha Niroula