Grade 8 Geo Exam

Global Development


What is Development

Indicators of Development/Measuring Development


Demographic Transition Model & Population Pyramids

Economic, environmental and social indicators

Social, environmental & economic = sustainable development.

Causes of unequal development

Undeveloped vs developed world issues

Renewable Energy/Sustainable energy types and charactersitics

Non-renewable energy/Fossil Fuels types and charactersitics

Advantages & Disadvantages of both above

Environmental Impact

The Development Gap refers to the widening difference in levels of development between the world's richest and poorest countries. There are many different measures used to assess the development gap, including HDI, GNI, Life expectancy etc. This GAP has major impacts on the QUALITY of LIFE for millions of people around the globe

Historical Factors

World Trade

The world’s poorest countries have also been at the mercy of a global trade system designed and controlled by the world’s richest countries. Several measures put in place by the world’s richest countries mean that the world’s poorest countries are at a disadvantage:

  1. Import tariffs of goods from poorer countries put the prices of those goods UP
  1. Subsidies (payments from governments to the producer) of goods produced in richer countries push the prices of rich world goods cheaper. This makes it harder for poorer countries to compete.
  1. The world trade system encourages a “race to the bottom”, where buyers from richer countries go from place to place around the world driving down prices because supply of goods often outstrips demand.

In addition, the lack of reliable energy supply, political stability, infrastructure and educated workforce put countries at a disadvantage. The net result in many poorer countries is that they are forced to export only lower value raw materials such as agricultural goods, whilst they buy back more expensive manufactured goods or services. Poorer countries do not have the capital to set these types of industries up.

Looking at the longer term, the colonial legacy of many countries across the globe has held many countries back. Countries such as the UK, France, Spain and Germany had colonies across the globe from which they took people and resources. These processes have limited the development of these countries. Opposite is an image of mutilated Congolese slaves who were forced to work on Belgian rubber plantations under King Leopold. Such acts of vicious oppression held countries such as the Congo back.

Colonial countries also drew up borders and created countries that ignored tribal, ethnic and religious differences within those regions. This has subsequently led to conflict which also holds a countries economic development back.

Another good example here is Nigeria, a country created by the UK but struggling to cater for all of its different ethnic and religious groups.



The world's poorest nations face many obstacles, including soaring debt, export marginalization, energy poverty and climate vulnerability.

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Population Problems of Developed Countries:

High Proportion of Old Age Population: This happens because of low death rates and high rates of life expectancy. ...

Shortage of Labour: ...

Outmigration to Towns: ...

Congestion in Towns: ...

Growth of Slums:

It refers to the practices that support long-term economic growth without negatively impacting the social, environmental, and cultural aspects of the community.

Sustainability is often represented diagrammatically. The figure at the top of this page suggests that there are three pillars of sustainability – economic viability, environmental protection and social equity.

Some countries have more developed economies than others. These are sometimes referred to as more economically developed countries (MEDCs). Countries with less developed economies are called less economically developed countries (LEDCs).

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Interpreting a Population Pyramid

A wide base suggests high birth rate.

Narrow base shows low birth rate as small numbers of children are born. ...

A broad top or wide apex indicates high proportion of people living longer.

Straight or near vertical sides depicts a low death rate.

It is calculated by dividing the number of deaths in a country by the total population and then multiplying by 1000. This is the change in the total population of a country because of births and deaths (ie not including migration). If the birth rate is higher than the death rate then the population will increase.

GDP, GVA (gross value added), unemployment level, life expectancy, education level, crime and safety, and level of participation in civil society.