Mobile Device Vulnerabilities
Trojan Horse
- Spread by program to trick users into downloading and installing malware
- It is designed to appear or disguised as a legitimate software.
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- Install trusted internet security - install easy-to-use cybersecurity software
- Keep up to date - keep your system’s software up-to-date.
- Be alert to email attachments - be cautious about attachments in any unexpected emails.
- Be alert to email links – never cliick the link if something doesn’t seem quite right.
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- The software programs created to automatically perform specific operations.
- A set of compromised devices can be controlled and coordinated remotely
- Spread by sending copy of it from compromised devices to other devices via text messages and e-mail messages.
- Take advantage of unpatched exploits
- Provide hackers with root permissions over(make phone calls and access photos
Preventation and Solution
- Websites can guard against bots with CAPTCHA tests verify users as human.
- Only download apps from trusted and reputable app stores
- If you spot unusual behaviour on your phone like your battery suddenly running low, sudden disconnections from networks or services.
- A subtype of virus which is can self-replicate without a host program and active on an infected system.
- Spreads Independently ; directives from the malware authors and also over mobile networks by exploiting OS vulnerabilities
Cause harm to their host networks by;
- Consuming bandwidth
- Overloading web servers
- Slowing or halting other tasks
Preventation and Solution
- Use anti-virus(anti-worm) to remove the worm.
- Avoid public or unsecured Wi-Fi channels which can act as a vector through which worms can travel.
- Never download files from unknown sources
- A program or a collection of software tools which give a threat actor remote access and control over a computer or other system without being detected by users or security programs and also does Silent operation difficult to prevention, detection and removal
- Spread by hiding in software(may appear to be legitimate and trick users giving the rootkit permission to be installed
After installed in victim:
- Modify system configurations -
- Install concealed malware
- Access or steal information
Solution & Prevention
- Latest anti-malware programs can detect and remove rootkits
hiding in a system.
- Regularly patching vulnerabilities in software, applications and OS
- Performing static analysis scans.
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- Create a backdoor of your computer.
- Gives malicious users access to your system.
- Allowing confidential or personal information to be compromised.
- Steal data, install more malware, modify files, monitor user activity,
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