People of new France

The sovereign council

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coureurs de bois

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Defending the colony from the British and the haudenosaunee

many men chose a military career for a way to make a living

came to defend new france



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the word habitants came from the word inhabitants and so these people are inhabiting this land

some habitants neglected their farms because they knew the fur trade was a much easier thing to do to earn money

Habitants were the people that lived off the seigneurs help

Seigneurs are people with big plots of land owned by old people

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seigneurs were men from mobile families

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seigneurs sometimes ended up in court because they answered or did something wrong to some people which was not fair for the majority of them because the barely even did anything wrong. but sometimes they would actually do bad stuff and they would get the same punishment as for the people who were innocent

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traded with first nations illegaly

coureur de bois means wood runner

worked independently

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merchants are called blacksmiths or shoemakers

many merchants made their living off the fur trade

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transported goods and furs in and out

hired to row


fronetac tried representing the king

frontenac also dealt with external relationships such as the fur trade with the firstnation people

frontenac as the governer controlled the military in new france


the intendant is the chief minister

the intendant worked really hard so that the colony can stay in good form and stay in a good position

the intendant also kept an eye out on when its a good time or safe time to exploit


this person kept representing the catholic church

the bishop played an important part in the catholic church because they were the people who ran the church

in new france it became a big british colony in 1763

the imported goods from new france and sold it to the innu