Civics and Citizenship
The justice system
what is the purpose of the justice system?
The purpose of the criminal justice system is to protect society, punish offenders and rehabilitate criminals. It does this by following a process where the offender is arrested and tried for what they did wrong. If found guilty, they are punished with jail time or other punishments such as fines or community service.
What is the Justice System?
Australia's Justice System is based on the common law system, which originated in the United Kingdom. This means that the decisions of judges in the legal system are made after taking into account previous decisions.
How does the justice system work?
Courts and Tribunals operate in a hierarchal system. This means that a court or tribunal. In WA, the hierarchy moves upwards from the Magistrates Court to the District Court and then the Supreme Court
What kind of justice system does Australia have?
The Common Law Legal System
Australia and all its states and territories including New South Wales, follow the common law legal system. Unlike the US, Australia has a singular uniform common law across the nation.
Principle of Justice
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What is the definition of The Rule Of Law
Rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are: Publicly promulgated. Equally enforced. Independently adjudicated. And consistent with international human rights principles.
What is the presumption of Innocence?
The presumption of innocence imposes on the prosecution the burden of proving the charge and guarantees that no guilt can be presumed until the charge has been proved beyond reasonable doubt.
Different government
Direct democracy-
Direct democracy describes those rules, institutions and processes that enable the public to vote directly on a proposed constitutional amendment, law, treaty or policy decision. The most important forms of direct democracy covered in this Primer are referendums and initiatives.
Representative democracy-
The United States is a representative Democracy This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.
Socialism is an economic and political system where the workers or the government own the buildings and tools that make goods and services like farms and factories. This can be achieved through decentralized and direct worker-ownership, or through centralized state-ownership of the means of production.
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eliminating socioeconomic class struggles by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labour and the state controls all property and wealth.
Monarchy is a political system in which supreme authority is vested in the monarch, an individual ruler who functions as head of state.
Our legal system
The judge decides on if the defendant pleads innocent or guilty
The Jury is to determine questions of fact and to apply the law, as stated by the judge, to those facts to reach a verdict.
The Public Galleries are seated areas from which members of the public may watch the proceedings of either House.
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If you are a witness in a courtroom it is because you have important information that is relevant to a criminal case
Being a Protective service officer in a courtroom you will provide essential support to WA Police by providing protective security services across a number of buildings, such as Parliament House, Police Headquarters and Curtin House, designated places and events
The Solicitor officers make the functions of the Solicitor-General under s 12 of the Law Officer's Act 1964 (Cth) are to act as counsel for the Commonwealth and its emanations, to furnish opinions on questions of law referred to him by the Attorney-General and to perform such other functions ordinarily performed by counsel as the Attorney
Associates provide a range of clerical, administrative and other assistance to judges including: Arranging listings and court sittings, including circuit sittings. Maintaining court records, arraigning accused, empanelling juries, administering oaths and managing exhibits.
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