B1 Finals Review
7.2: what will the philippine path to independence look like?
General Intro
Revolution (late 19th c)
Ideally, after, you build your state
political community (legitimacy)
functions of government
who should rule, why and how?
Filipino elite-led government
American imperialism
Filipino continued revolution
put up institutions of government: Malolos Republic
Malolos constitution
declaration of philippine independence
structure of government + elections
Turning points
who should rule: educated elite (oligarchy of intelligence)
Turning points
1898: defeat of the spanish
1899 - 1902: Philippine-American War
legitimacy (why should the US rule in the PH)
how would the government look?
Spain officially surrenders to the Americans. Legally, the Americans had sovereignty (right to rule) over the PH: Treaty of Paris 1898
american imperialism
social darwinism
economic change
balance of power
demonstration effect
Winning the Philippine-American War (1902)
how do you convince people that you're in charge?
suprressed nationalism
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political tutelage
Elections of 1902 local elites were given space to rule in the Philippines
Philippine Commissions
1902 Organic Act
New structure of governance (from the US to the municipal councils in the PH), by 1907, Filipino legislators were part of the lower house of goverment, upper house is Philippine Commission
two types of rule: civilian (most places) and military (moro province and mountain (cordillera) province)
1916 Jones Law: Philippline Commission is abolished and Filipinos now compose the all-Filipino upper house (senate)
who waged revolution
what makes them philippine elites?
provincial elites: principalia (people who could run for gobernadorcillo and cabeza under the spanish)
people with property
turning points
1919-1934: Independence missions
1935: beginning of the transitory government to independence (Commonwealth)
1941: WWII begins and the Philippines is one of the first places attacked by the Japanese
Japanese Imperialism
Traditional elites
Populist politicians
Govt in exile
USAFE guerillas
Turning points
1946 Independence from US