6 forms of energy







Energy contained in the forces that hold the nucleus of an atom together.

Fission- splitting apart atoms

Fusion-combining of atoms

The potential and kinetic energy of a system.

Energy contained in waves, that are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Energy stored in the chemicals bonds of substances.

Energy stored in the changes found on particles in atoms.

Molecular potential and kenetic energy of atoms.








the sun- combining atoms to create light.image

hydrogen bomb- when creating this you have to split apart atoms. image

oven- it creates heat that transfers to the food that cooks the food. image

microwave- it creates heat that transfers to the food that cooks the food. image

charging cord- stored energy once you plug your phone in the energy transfers to your phone to be stored in your phone. image

lightbulb- flow of electrons from the cords to the actual light. image

coal- when you burn this it creates energy for the fire image

digesting food- digesting food creates energy for our bodies to move and have energy. image

light from the sun- this is radiant energy because the light is shining in a beam of light. image

lightbulb- this is just like the sun where a beam of light is shining towards us. image

a spring- this is an example of elastic potential energy because it bounces back after you pull in and release. image

a book on shelf- example of gravitational energy because it is above the ground so if the book falls it is going to have more of an impact than if it was just sitting on the ground. image