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Sustainable development goals - Coggle Diagram
Sustainable development goals
What are they?
universal set of goals, targets and indicators
frame for agendas and political policies of the United Nations
expansion of the millennium development goals
for a period of 15 years
Why de we need them?
169 targets
reducing at least half the number of people living in poverty by 2030
eliminating violence against women
the eight millennium development goals didn't consider the reasons for poverty and overlooked gender inequality
the millennium development goals didn't take economic development into account
How were they choosen?
representatives from 70 countries
final draft in July 2014 with 17 suggestions
final wording, preamble and declaration
presentation of the draft to the UN general assembly in September 2014
first meeting in March 2013
Opinion of governments
17 goals are often criticized as too unwieldy to implement or sell to the public
the underlying reason for some countries preferring a narrower brief is to get rid of some of the more uncomfortable goals
it is more important to address wider scope of problems than fewer with a stronger force
Funding of the goals
$66bn a year to eradicate extreme poverty
$7tn for improving infrastructure globally
tax reforms, prevent illegal financial flows and corruption are very important for achieving these goals
public finance and aid are vital to support the implementation of the SDGs
When will the new rules be implemented?
2030 deadline
since January 2016