Taylor Downey-Jones - 1.4 - network security

attacks & threats

Identify vulnerabilities


Social engineering (Phishing, shouldering, blagging)

brute force attacks

denial of service attacks

data interception and theft

SQL injection

penetration testing

Anti-malware software


user access levels



Physical security






a program that appears harmless but it is in fact malicious

a piece of malware that finds holes in the security system


a piece of code which is capable of copying itself

a program that displays adverts or pop-ups

an account being held hostage for an exchange of currency

it involves manipulating others into giving you their personal information

it involves repeatedly trying a password over and over again until it is corrected

overloading a website with network packets to stop users from accessing the website

when someone goes packet sniffing using WAP, hackers can see information that is currently being sent

disrupting on a database

keeping data physical secure

when a company hires two people to try and hack the server to see how much data that they can collect, one hacker usually is internal and has a work IP address whilst the other hacker is just and external hacker.

Checks your device to see if anything malicious is stored on your computer

looks to see what data is coming in to your computer and checks whether if it is on a blacklist or a whitelist

where different users on a system have different security levels so basic users cant access important commands

things that help secure your login

when you send data which has been made unreadable by the human eye