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Activity 2.3 Connecting Conceptual and Practice with Research, Arantza…
Activity 2.3 Connecting Conceptual and Practice with Research
Supply chain
connection between different organizations – both internal and external that work to deliver the required products or services to the consumer
meet customer needs in the best possible way and as quickly as possible
Customer is essential
their needs should not be met to the detriment of the viability of the internal and external organizations that make up the chain
When the appropriate measures are not taken
problems are triggered that usually ruin the company in a short time
One of the biggest mistakes
not being clear about or aware of your supply chain objectives in the operations
the lack of alignment creates an internal phenomenon where each area "draws water for its mill" and has friction with the other areas
To avoid problems is needed to
identify flows that run through supply chains according to supply and demand
allows understanding how a company's chain is connected to world trade.
companies have to ask themselves if
more agility or
more efficiency
question their adaptability to face changes
Successful supply chain
Suppliers and intermediaries > walmart, amazon, central de abasto
Central de abasto
Chain starts
demand planning and market analysis
Step 1
large amount of supply derived from a specific chain that will provide everything that is needed
producing a product involves
connection between different organizations that were integrated into a supply chain
Step 2
international standards and certifications
chain gets wider
Step 3
presence of carriers that will take the product from the place of production to warehouses of wholesalers
Step 4
storage involves binding effort into a new string
Step 5
creation of tools and software and other third parties are intertwined to deliver the product to the final consumer
Step 6
last link in the chain
final supplies that have their own chains
supply chains
grow and multiply by adding internal and external organizations
can be almost infinite
the supply chain of any of the suppliers can have an impact on ours
can and does have serious repercussions on the others
collaborative processes are essential to build synchronization
Flows to be taken care of
1. Flow of materials
path an item takes from producer to consumer
challenge lies in ensuring material flows quickly without unnecessary stops between links in the chain
the faster it moves without affecting production costs the better it is for the company
the cash cycle is minimized
2. Information flow
begins with request for quotation or market research
is maintained during the stages of purchase order, demand planning, inventory calculation, production schedules, quality complaints, supplier performance reports, constant interaction between product, suppliers and consumer
decisive for organizations
analysis of the data that is shared
llows better planning of the demand and the possibility of improving the service
3. Money flow
when the product or service reaches the consumer
money flows from customers to the product or service provider, speed is essential
To make the chain fulfill its mission, a series of objectives must be executed:
deliver purchased goods and services on time
optimize distribution times
avoid unnecessary loss, damage and shrinkage
properly manage inventories and warehouses
maintain adequate communication and coordination channels
detect and develop the maximum potential of competitive advantages
The 3 A's
a supply chain has to comply with being
ability to respond very quickly and proactively to variations in demand and supplies.
Production should only start when accurate, reliable and confirmed information on customer preferences is available.
maintain an inventory of inexpensive, low-volume goods that avoid manufacturing delays
have the ability to adapt and evolve to the different circumstances they face
survive economic and political challenges and demographic transformations and technological avant-garde
ability to overcome traumatic circumstances
companies also experience shocks resulting from crises
supply chain implies a connection between different organizations
their interests and actions must be aligned to contribute to the achievement of their priority objectives
Specific factors to be added
process standardization
inventory control
supplier configuration
use of systems and information
demand control
network of contacts
Benefits of a better supply chain
better relationship with the customer
reduce inventory, storage and transportation costs
ensure a balance between demand and supply
deliver the right products in the right quantity and time
maintain a balance between a resilient and effective chain
reduce costs by eliminating inefficiencies and obtaining economies of scale
Supply chain creation process
without it, a proactive attitude can never be assumed. develop a plan to be clear about how products and services meet demand and what your customer needs
Development or sourcing
source raw material for production
estimate business needs
find suitable suppliers
create product stock plan
create distribution plan
the manufacture of the products demanded by the market
the levels of quality and productivity of workers, equipment and suppliers must be evaluated
customer orders are accepted, merchandise delivery is planned, and the customer receives the products or services
defective or damaged products are returned to the supplier and the company must address the complaints of its customers
normally companies pay little attention to this which is very costly because a bad service receives bad comments
Personal toughts about supply chain
Increases Profit Leverage – Firms value supply chain managers because they help control and reduce supply chain costs. This can result in dramatic increases in firm profits.
Increases Cash Flow – Firms value supply chain managers because they speed up product flows to customers
Helps Sustains Human Life – Humans depend on supply chains to deliver basic necessities such as food and water. Any breakdown of these delivery pipelines quickly threatens human life.
Arantza Sofía Camacho Ramírez A01781662