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Epidemiology of malaria outbreaks (Jilhan Aulia 1908260009) - Coggle…
Epidemiology of malaria outbreaks (Jilhan Aulia 1908260009)
definition KLB
Extraordinary Events (KLB) is one of the statuses applied in Indonesia to classify disease events that spread and can develop into disease outbreaks. The term "outbreak" and "epidemic" is often used interchangeably by the public, but the term "epidemic" is used for conditions that are more severe and widespread. The term KLB can be said as a warning before an outbreak occurs
classification KLB
menurut penyebabnya
toxin biologis
racun jamur
racun ikan
racun tumbuh-tumbuhan
toxin kimia
zat kimia organik
gas beracun
menurut sumbernya
sumber dari manusia
bersumber dari kegiatan manusia
bersumber dari binatang
bersumber dari serangga
bersumber dari udara
bersumber dari permukaan benda/alat
bersumber dari air
bersumber dari makanan/minuman
criteria KLB
Timbulnya suatu penyakit/kesakitan yang sebelumnya tidak ada/tidak dikenal
Peningkatan kejadian penyakit/kematian terus menerus selama 3 kurun waktu berturut-turut menurut jenis penyakitnya ( jam,hari,minggu….)
Peningkatan kejadian penyakit/kematian, 2 (dua) kali atau lebih dibandingkan dengan periode sebelumnya (jam,hari,minggu,bulan,tahun)
Jumlah penderita baru dalam satu bulan menunjukan kenaikan dua kali lipat atau lebih bila dibandingkan dengan angka rata-rata perbulan dalam tahun sebelumnya.
Angka rata-rata per bulan selama satu tahun menunjukkan kenaikkan 2 (dua) kali lipat atau lebih dibanding dengan rata-rata per bulan dari tahun sebelumnya.
Case Fatality Rate dari suatu penyakit dalam kurun waktu tertentu menunjukkan kenaikkan 50% atau lebih dibandingkan CFR dari periode sebelumnya.
Proportial Rate (PR) penderita baru dari suatu periode tertentu menunjukkan kenaikkan dua kali atau lebih dibandingkan periode yang sama dalam kurun waktu/tahun sebelumnya.
Beberapa penyakit khusus : Kholera.DHF/DSS,SARS,Avian Flu,Tetanus neonatorum.
Beberapa penyakit yang dialami 1 (satu) atau lebih penderita :
Keracunan makanan
Keracunan pestisida
penularan malaria
at night, mosquitoes infected with this parasite circulate and bite more. If a person has been bitten by a mosquito, the parasite will immediately enter the bloodstream.
Apart from mosquito bites, this parasite can also be spread through blood transfusions or sharing needles.
Some of the symptoms that arise after parasites circulate in the blood are headache, high fever, sweating, chills and muscle aches, even vomiting and diarrhea.
siklus hidup nyamuk
The next mosquito life cycle is the larvae. The larvae emerge from the hatched mosquito eggs, but only after the water level has risen to cover the eggs. This means that rainwater or humans adding water to the egg-laying vessel will trigger the emergence of the larvae.
At this stage, the larvae will usually live by eating microorganisms in the water. After molting three times, the larva will develop into a pupa.
the pupa is the next mosquito life cycle, after the larvae. The pupa will usually develop until the newly formed adult flying mosquito body emerges from the pupal skin and leaves the water.
nyamuk dewasa
After the adult mosquitoes appear, the male mosquitoes will usually feed on nectar from flowers. While female mosquitoes suck human and animal blood, which is needed to produce eggs.
After eating, adult female mosquitoes will look for water sources to lay more eggs.
Adult female mosquitoes usually lay their eggs on the inside, walls of containers that are wet with water, or on the surface of the water. Once laying eggs, female mosquitoes can issue up to 100 eggs at a time.
Mosquito eggs will stick to the walls of the container very firmly, like glue. These eggs can also survive even if the surrounding area dries up for up to 8 months.
So, only a little water is needed to become a place to lay eggs for female mosquitoes. Bowls, cups, fountains, tires, barrels, vases, and other containers that hold water can serve as nesting sites for them.
cara laporan ke dinkes
Health workers or the public are required to provide a report to the head the nearest village/lurah and puskesmas or its network no later than 24 hours (twenty-four) hours after knowing the sufferer or suspect sufferers of certain diseases as referred to in Article 4.
The leadership of the puskesmas who received the report referred to in paragraph (1) must immediately report to the head of the health office district/city no later than 24 (twenty four) hours after receive information.
The head of the district/city health office provides a report sufferers or suspected sufferers of certain diseases as referred to in Article 4 in stages to regents/mayors, governors, and The Minister through the Director General no later than 24 (twenty four) hours since receiving the report as referred to in paragraph (2)
danger of malaria
Malaria that is not treated properly can cause anemia which is quite severe. This is because the parasite that causes anemia causes many red blood cells to be destroyed and damaged.
brain malaria
Malaria can also cause disturbances in the brain, although this condition is rare, blood cells filled with parasites can block small blood vessels in the brain. This causes swelling of the brain which increases the risk of seizures and coma.
organ disorders
Organ disorders can also occur due to malaria. Generally, the kidneys, liver, and spleen also experience impaired function caused by parasites that cause malaria. This condition is quite dangerous because it can cause death.
upaya pengendalian vektor malaria
kelambu nyamuk berinsektisida (ITN)
penyemprotan insektisida (IRS)
perencanaan program peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan
penyediaan air bersih
pengelolaan limbah dan sampah
pengelolaan tembat umump
pengolahan makanan