How does technology extend or transform different modes of human cognition and communication?


Technology has the power to reduce human attention span, which also limits their ability to interpret information, reducing the amount of knowledge that is transmitted to them.

The final object I have chosen is object 1 which is a screenshot of the multiple windows on my laptop. While both would help build a strong argument there are a few differentiating factors between both the objects. The first object gives me the opportunity to examine how multitasking affects human cognition, information interpretation, and communication, whereas the second object does the same but omits the communication component, which is also a crucial component of the knowledge question. The second difference is that the second object is a little more generic than the first. The first one has the scope to involve specific expert perspectives however, the for the second the perspective would turn out to be a little more generic. Both enable me to see students as the ones who are harmed by technology. Both objects have the capacity to construct a convincing argument, but due to the two aforementioned factors, object is a better option for connecting to the knowledge claim and providing the answer.

Object 1 (Unable to load file): A screenshot of the multiple windows on a laptop



Allows me to talk about the power of technology and how it allows us to multitask and operate multiple desktops/tabs/things

Enables me to look at the concept of multitasking and how that impacts human cognition.

The argument might end up focusing on multitasking too much more than technology as a whole

Multitasking affects multiple cognition skills and there have been a lot of research reports/papers on it. Helping me to use different perspectives

Helps me frame my argument from both the cognition and communication part. For communication I will be open to write about the amount of information that is perceived while multitasking

Object 2 (Unable to load file): A boy who is attempting to study is on the phone


This allows me to look at how technology is a distraction and how features within technology such as notifications attract the audience reducing their attention span

It allows me to focus on studying as a specific topic and how technology creates distraction

During the argument I could look at the how our phones weaken our cognition not only as a medium of distraction however also as the impact of radiation on our mind.


The object is a little generic and has a lot of facets to it and the object itself doesn't particularly focus on power

There are 2 aspects to the claim and question human cognition and communication. While the object allows me to build an argument based on the human cognition it makes it difficult to incorporate the aspect of communication