stubble burning nudges
dont burn crop residues, in situ management of stubble.
Crop residue machines
ex-situ management of stubble
nudging at the school level
IEC activities
phone call message
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various departments
Kissan unions
department of new and renewable sources
department of home
department of power
department of school
Department of rural development and cooperatives
revenue and rehabilitation
Provision of machinery
diversification of agriculture
sensitize farmers,sms on harvesters
Hotspot management
training and involvement of ngo
entry in revenue records, numberdaars, collecting environmental compensation
members and common land
co-fire biomass-based
Pellets, Torrefied Pellets/Briquettes (with focus on paddy straw) with Coal (up to 5-10%)
e Bio Mass Power Plants and Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) plants
monitoring of burning and sms system
monitor ambient air quality and training to field functionaries
appropriate coercive and punitive action is taken including launching
of prosecution under Section 15 of the Act of 1986.
suitable action against the employees and educating the school children
assistance to district administration
governing mechanism
State level, district level, subdivision level, cluster level and village level