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Human nutrition in health, diseases, development and aging 1
Body composition
fat mass (FM) = density 0,9 g/ml -> subcutaneous adipose + visceral tissue -> without potassium
fat free mass (FFM) = rest of body = density 1,099-1,1 g/ml -> bone 3 g/ml, protein 1,34 g/ml -> with potassium 69 meq/kg (10% less in females) -> 72-73% water
water balance
total body water = 60% BW, 42 l BW 70 kg
extracellular = 20% BW, 14 l -> IW 16%, plasma 4%
intracellular = 40% BW, 28 l
water -> blood volume, transport, body temperature, waste elimination, caves lubrification, bowel regularity
body composition models
Metabolic active mass
height measurement
head horizontal plane
arms hang
flat surface, weight equally distributed
heels united
shoulderblades & butthocks contact with board
body weight
without shoes
weight on both feet
after urination
body cell mass (BCM) = consumes oxygen with potassium reactions -> oxidation-reduction
Energetic balance
energy consumption -> kcal = amount of heat to raise temperature of 1 kg distilled water from 14,5° to 15,5°
outputs = basal metabolism (60-70%), thermogenic power of food (7-15%), PA (20-30%)
+/- = overweight vs low weight
optimal weight = entries (food) must match the outputs (energy expenditure)
Techniques of body composition assessment
hydrostatic weighting
whole body counter (WBC)
skinfold thickness (plicometry, calipometrie)
Measurement techniques of energy expenditure
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
body mass index (BMI) -> normal = 18,5-24,9
indirect calorimetry
Obesity = excess of adipose tissue (>35% w, >25% m)
apple vs pear (less risks, more women) shape
waist circumference (>88 cm w, > 102 cm m)
risk factor
adipose tissue
inflammatory changes
endocrine organ
v of cardiac output & ability to respond to stress
v renal volume
v gastric secretion & digestive enzymes
v liver volume & function
loss of teeth
^ adipose tissue, changes in plasma volume, water, muscle, ...
v of taste, smell, vision
v PA
v appetite
osteopenia & osteoporosis (compromised bone strength -> fractures & loss of height)
socio-economic factors
skeletal muscle = endocrine organ -> modulates activity of tissues
because of inflammations, decline in anabolic hormones, loss of innervation
prevention = maintain & increase lean mass & muscle quality
preserve lean mass
quality of muscle -> fat infiltration impairs it
quality & quantity
obesity (^ fat, v muscle -> functional limitations -> frailty)
sarcopenic obesity -> physical disability & loss of independence
diet + PA program
daily aerobic training (e.g. 30 min walking)
Human nutrition in health, diseases, development and aging 2
Human nutrition
helps build cells & tissues, regulate body processes
no food supplies all the nutrients we need
provide energy
substances with specific tasks in the body
maintain growth & health
structural proteins
structural materials
use of amino acids -> all must be present for protein synthesis; protein as fuel if insufficient CHO or fats
dietary sources -> eggs/milk/fish/meats (complete proteins), legumes/nuts/cereals (incomplete proteins), legumes + cereals = all essential amino acids (beans = lysine & isoleucine, corn = tryptophan & methionine)
cannot be synthesized by body in sufficient amounts
in metabolic reactions
small but essential amounts
water-soluble = C, B1, B2, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, B12, folic acid, B6
water-insoluble = A, D, E, K
essential -> fat-soluble vitamins, fuel of hepatocytes in muscle, phospholipids for myelin sheaths & cell membranes
dietary requirements -> <30% of kcals, saturated <10%, cholesterol <300 mg
dietary sources -> triglycerides (saturated in meat dairy and tropical oils, unsaturated in seeds/nuts/olive & vegetable oil) & cholesterol in egg yolk, meats, shellfish, milk products)
major vs trace minerals
calcium, sodium, iodine, chlorine, fluoride, copper, cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, silicium
essential inorganic elements -> metabolic processes
glucids (carbohyrates)
dietary requirements -> 100g/d (for blood glucose levels), min 130g/day, 45-65% of total kcal
dietary sources -> starch in grains/vegetables, sugar in fruits/sugarcane/beets/honey/milk, insoluble/soluble fiber
energy metabolism -> ATP
carries wastes away from cells
hydrolysis & dehydration
carries essential nutrients to cells
sabilisation of body temperature
chemistry of life
biodynamic functions of food
diet = way of living
diet & longevity
reduction kcal 30-40%
prolog life
reduce diseases
Mediterranean diet
v alcohol
single course
v dairy & animal origin (white meat & fish)
extra virgin olive oil
^ plant origin (bread, pasta, legumes, vegetables, fruit)
Western diet
v fresh fruits
v fresh vegetables
^ sugar-containing drinks
^ processed foods
^ fatty grains
exposure to food marketing & products
^ stress
v PA
v movement
^ sugary desserts
^ blood sugar
^ body fat
^ blood pressure
abnormal cholesterol levels
^ high fat red meats
Vegetarian diets
high fibre
low fat
decreased risks
include proteins (grains, lentils, beans, tofu, nuts, seeds, eggs, peas, dairy)
vegans: ensure calcium
ensure vit B12, D, calcium, zinc, riboflavin, iron
Paleolithic diet (like ancestors)
no refined sugars & processed foods
no dairy, grains, legumes, white potatoes
moderate carb intake
good for weight management & leaning out
vegetables & fruit
too low in carbs
modify by eating dairy & potatoes
protein & fat from animals
Ketogenic diet (low carb, high fat)
more ketone bodies -> heart, muscle & brain reduce use of glucose -> use fats & ketones to fuel themselves
metabolic state -> nutritional ketosis
re-training body to use fats as energy source -> reduce blood sugar & insulin levels
difficult to maintain -> long term commitment
80% of nutrients from fats
standard vs ketogenic diet
modified atkins diet (60% fat, 30% protein, 10% carbs)
Guidelines for healthy eating
plenty of water
v salt
v sugar
v alcohol
fats -> quality & limit
vary food
^ grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits
check weight & be active