EX 4: To manage the spread of fake news & falsehood online, SG passed the Protection from Online Falsehoods & Manipulation Act (POFMA), which came to effect on 2 Oct 2019. This requires online media platforms to correct/remove info. the auth. deem to be untrue. Where a fake online acct./bot is used to spread such falsehoods, offenders, who are indiv.s, will be liable to a fine ≤ S$100k &/or a term of imprisonment ≤ 10 yrs. For non-indiv.s, a fine ≤ S$1m will be imposed. The move has, however, raised a lot of concerns, as it places in the hands of ministers the power to effectively censor info. that they deem to be false. The bill's opponents have also pointed out the law will apply not just to SM platforms, but also to private messaging apps (e.g. Whatsapp).