Zeus sends Hermes to speak with Calypso. He wishes for Calypso to free Odysseus. Calypso is hesitant to listen, but she won't disobey the higher gods. So, she helps Odysseus prepare a raft and gather supplies for his journey, though she warns him that it will be a dangerous journey. Additionally, Calypso swears an oath to not hurt him. When Odysseus sails off, he starts off strong, and after 18 days, he sees the lands of Phaeacian. However, Poseidon notices this, and, still angered by the death of his son, he brews a storm. Odysseus struggles greatly until the White Goddess, Ino, comes to his aid. She gifts him an immortal veil and instructs him to abandon his raft and swim to shore. Odysseus believes this is a trick, though, so he does not listen until his raft is destroyed. Then, with no other option, he decides to swim to shore. Athena helps calm the waves, and after being adrift for 2 days, he comes upon steep cliffs on shore. After being thrown against rocks, Athena saves him once again and he finally makes it to a river bed where the River God pulls him to safety.