Integrating Social Networking Tools into ESL
Strengths and Weaknesses
Melor Md Yunus1, Hadi Salehi2 & Chen Chenzi1



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Results and discussion

Literature review

Done by: Gulshan Mirzaeva

Constructing Virtual Classroom through Facebook

Wikipedia as a Discussion Forum

Advantages of Integrating SNSs into ESL Writing Classroom

Integrating SNSs into ESL Writing Classroom

Munoz and Towner (2009) steps of creating virtual classroom through Facebook

Creating a group in Facebook

Making it a private group

Teacher can post discussions, posta, videos, slides,pictures , links in the group

Inviting experts to the group to evaluate the posts

Analyzing SS' posts and responds to the teacher's post

having finished the class T should decide what to do with the group


more options than when using
communication tools

SNS will develop SS's writing skills.

Working online fosters a sense of
global interaction.

Disadvantages of SNSs

According to Richard et al., (2008), lack of technological devises and lack of teachers' experience distract the development of SNSs for teaching purposes

Using facebook may be a waste of time

For Some learners it is so difficult to find and read the materials online

Research Design

Research Instrument

Data Collection Procedure

15 students

3 male, 12 female

Learning English more than ten years

internet distraction and informal writing habits such as using short forms are regarded as the main

Through reading each other’s blogs and comments, students can be
inspired by their friends’ words.

Lower language skills could interact with the other students with less stress.

SNSs can be used :




Yunus, M. M., Salehi, H., & Chenzi, C. (2012). Integrating social networking tools into ESL writing classroom: Strengths and weaknesses. English language teaching, 5(8), 42-48.

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