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STUNTING (Intan Tiara Adetya) - Coggle Diagram
STUNTING (Intan Tiara Adetya)
risk factors
Toddler nutritional intake
Adequate nutritional intake is essential for growth and development toddler body development. This critical period is a period when toddlers will experiencing growth and development. Experienced toddlers previous nutritional deficiencies can still be corrected with good intake so that it can carry out growth according to its development. However if the intervention is late, the toddler will not be able to catch up with the delay growth is known as failure to thrive.
infectious disease
Infectious diseases that are often suffered by toddlers such as intestinal worms, infections Upper respiratory tract (ARI), diarrhea and other infections are very close related to the quality status of basic health services, especially immunization, environmental quality and healthy behavior
food availability
Lack of food availability can result in a shortage fulfillment of nutritional intake in the family itself. Average calorie intake and protein for children under five in Indonesia is still below the Adequacy Nutrition Rate (RDA) which can result in Indonesian female toddlers and male toddlers has an average height of 6.7 cm and 7.3 cm shorter, respectively than the WHO reference standard
maternal nutritional status during pregnancy
Maternal nutritional status during pregnancy is influenced by many factors, these factors can occur before pregnancy or during pregnancy. Several measurement indicators such as 1) hemoglobin (Hb) level which shows an overview of Hb levels in the blood to determine anemia or not; 2) Upper Arm Circumference (LILA), which is a description of the past nutritional fulfillment of the mother to determine KEK or not; 3) results of weight measurements to determine weight gain during pregnancy compared to the mother's BMI before pregnancy
birth weight
Babies born with low birth weight (LBW), namely babies born weighing less than 2500 grams, babies with low birth weight will experience obstacles to their growth and development and the possibility of a decline in intellectual function besides that babies are more susceptible to infection and hypothermia occurs
Birth length
Inadequate maternal nutritional intake before pregnancy causes growth disturbances in the fetus so that it can cause babies to be born with short birth lengths. Babies born have normal birth length if the baby's birth length is at 48-52 cm. Short birth length is influenced by the fulfillment of the baby's nutrition while still in the womb.
exclusive breastfeeding
Exclusive breastfeeding according to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 33 of 2012 concerning Exclusive Breastfeeding is breastfeeding without adding and or replacing it with other food or drinks given to babies from birth for 6 months. Fulfillment of the needs of infants 0-6 months can be met by breastfeeding alone. Exclusive breastfeeding is also important because at this age, food other than breast milk has not been able to be digested by the enzymes in the intestine, besides that, the removal of food residues from burning food cannot be done properly because the kidneys are not perfect.
Complementary food for ASI is additional food given to babies after 6 months of age. If complementary foods are given too early (before the age of 6 months) it will reduce consumption of breast milk and babies can experience digestive disorders. On the other hand, if complementary foods are given too late it will result in malnourishment of the baby, if this occurs for a long time. The standard of complementary food for ASI must pay attention to the nutritional adequacy rate (RDA) recommended for the age group and food texture according to the development of the baby's age
intervensi stunting
pemberian makanan tambahan bagi ibu hamil dan balita kurus
tablet tambah darah bagi remaja, wanita usia subur dan ibu hamil
promosi dan konseling menyusui
promosi dan konseling pemberian makanan bayi dan anak (PMBA)
tatalaksana gizi buruk
pemantauan dan promosi pertumbuhan
suplementasi mikronutrien
pemeriksaan kehamilan dan imunisasi
manajemen terpadu balita sakit
air minum dan sanitas
pelayanan gizi kesehatan
edukasi, konseling dan perubahan perilaku
akses pangan bergizi
pencatatan sipil
penguatan posyandu
surveilans gizi
advokasi pemerintah daerah
konvergensi pancegahan stunting di desa
inisiasi intervensi terintegrasi
lokasi fokus intervensi penurunan stunting
imunisasi dasar
hepatitis B
0 bulan
2 bulan
3 bulan
4 bulan
0bulan - 1 tahun
2 bulan
3 bulan
4 bulan
0 bulan - 1 tahun
2 bulan
3 bulan
4 bulan
2 bulan
3 bulan
4 bulan
9 bulan
imunisasi lanjutan
Imunisasi lanjutan yang diberikan mirip seperti imunisasi dasar lengkap, yakni vaksin hepatitis B, DPT, HiB, dan juga MR. Jika sulit menghafalnya, ingat saja: semua jenis imunisasi dasar kecuali polio dan BCG.
anak SD
Imunisasi dilakukan pada bulan imunisasi anak sekolah (BIAS). Nantinya, anak-anak SD akan menerima vaksin untuk campak, tetanus, dan difteri.
wanita usia subur
Ketika memasuki usia di mana tubuhnya sudah subur atau dapat melakukan reproduksi, para wanita akan perlu menerima dua jenis vaksin. Jenis-jenis vaksin tersebut adalah difteri dan juga tetanus.
Vaksinasi adalah proses/tindakan memasukkan vaksin ke dalam tubuh (umumnya dengan cara disuntik, namun ada yang melalui mulut) untuk menghasilkan kekebalan terhadap penyakit tertentu. Vaksin inilah yang memulai proses imunisasi
Imunisasi adalah proses di dalam tubuh, dimana seseorang menjadi kebal atau terlindungi dari penyakit tertentu, biasanya dengan pemberian vaksin.
Imunitas adalah kondisi dimana tubuh menjadi kebal terhadap suatu penyakit tertentu karena sistem kekebalan tubuh telah membentuk antibodi terhadap penyakit sheingga terlindungi dari penyakit menular tertentu
merah bekas suntikan
pencegahan stunting WHO
zero hunger strategy
dewan nasional pangan dan keamanan gizi
bolsa familia program
sistem surveilans pangan dan gizi
strategi kesehatan keluarga
5 pilar di indonesia
Perbaikan gizi masyarakat terutama pada ibu pra hamil, ibu hamil dan anak
Penguatan kelembagaan pangan dan gizi
Peningkatan aksebilitas pangan yang beragam
Peningkatan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat
Peningkatan pengawasan mutu dan keamanan pangan
permasalahan gizi anak indonesia
bertubuh pendek (stunting)
bertubuh kurus (wasting)
obesitas paada anak
kurang vitamin A (KVA)