Discuss the reason why Tito was able to resist Soviet control of Yugoslavia
Context of the Cold War
Popular support (legitimacy)
Foreign Policy
Yugoslavia didn't become a full member of Comecon
Tito developed his own brand of Communism which was semi Marxist
Meets with Churchill -> international recognition
Major industries remained under state control
1952-1974 Tito liberalised prices,
Local manager were given more independence -> improved the economy
Still centralised
Founds a functioning economy -> increases stability and popularity
Economy grew 6% annually
Miracle of market socialism
Long-term independent foreign policy -> consolidating his position in the country
maintaining independence from Moscow
Non-Aligned Movement
Allow Yugoslavia to receive Western economic support
Casted doubt on Moscow weather they should interveen, as they didn't know what America would possibly react (Berlin Blockade)
Planted the seed that destroyed Communism in the region
PAVLOWITCH: 1940 Tito saw his chance to "ferment revolution during occupation"
Nazi's "divide and rule", brutalities and atrocities drove thousands of Serbs to join Communist partisans
Tito begun his guerrilla war against German occupation
1943: Managing to escape German and Italian encirclement portrayed Tito as a national hero, as a nation's saviours
Tito's refusal to be subordinate and obey to Moscow's orders