How can Promotion Santé Suisse promote One Health in Switzerland?

























work together with researchers to support One Health and Health Promotion studies ex. how mental health hangs together with nature

financing/ supporting projects which focus on co-benefits

establish one health as a cross- sectional topic with a focus on the 3 current target areas: mental health, nutrition, and physical activity

raise awareness: add a (+) on the Friendly Workspace Label when a company is also climate friendly

include farmers into the target group for workplace health management

create guidelines about how to systematically implement One Health intern at PSS

raising awareness nationally about co-benefits

ex. article about kids biking to school

interprofessional and intersectional communication

overcoming barriers: language, complexity, different educational backgrounds

raise awareness about one health

importance of biodiversity and health promotion

create and implement a One Health communication strategy to increase acceptance at political and societal levels

how protecting our forest/ green spaces and the animals that live there promote mental well being

partnership with and financial support of éducation21

supporting multipliers to implement forward looking approaches which prevent disease and promote health ex. NCD-Strategy

build up on current offers with a One Health focus

(financially) support projects which connect people to agriculture ex. permaculture, allotment gardens in cities

create more incentive for companies to focus more on One Health and Corporate Social Responsibility when remodeling the Friendly Workspace Label

create incentive for multipliers to include co-benefits and/ or One Health into projects

support projects which connect children to nature

invole external specialist from enviroment and animal sectors in project planning - ex. GFK24

éducation21 presented to the team Project Development, Department Programs how to integrate sustainable development/ One Health into health promotion work

create synergies

create One Health stakeholder Landscape

present Agenda 2030 at GFK24

work together with multiple One Health relevant federal offices (health, environment, spacial planning, animal) simultaneously (HiAP)

connect enviromental and health monitoring and implement in practice

encourage the cantons to work multisectorally

have participation as a core value

encourage synergies between health promotion and sustainable development while working with the cantons

openly support political initiatives which promote health

consider the interests of all One Health sectors when making decisions

advocate for health equity and consider vulnerable groups in projects

create One Health criteria for when financing projects and awarding labels

KAP policy measures

Friendly Workspace

encourage One Health as cross-sectional topic also by our multipliers, especially those who have are politically active

creating and caring for governmental and non-governmental partnerships in the areas of One Health

through the development and implementation of national conferences

GFK24 takes on One Health

show connections to existing partners

biodiversity and spacial planning

nutrition and biodiversity

create new partnerships with stakeholders important for One Health

the climate impact is evaluated: PSS has the "My Climate" label

PPS apply and work for achieving the "One Health Label"

evaluates all large projects formative and/or summative