Direct Racial Discrimination

Stop and Search

Black people are 5x more likely than white people to be stopped + searched

Philips + Bowling
Black + Asian people are also more likely than white people to be stopped and searched repeatedly + more intrusive searches

Members of ethnic minority are more likely to be young, unemployed and live in inner city areas

Arrest + caution

Police see as more suspicious + more likely to commit

Ethnic minorities are less likely to be released after caution

Population as whole is 3.3% compared to blacks who took up 8.3%


e.g Stephen Lawrence in 1993 - despite good evidence the police failed to prosecute and McPherson found they were institutionally racist

Runnymede Trush + Rollock - Found that there had been extensive attempts to improve policing. However, only 4% of police officers where from ethnic minorities


Prison stats suggest that direct + indirect racism occurs

In 2012 11% of population in prison were from black ethnic groups compared to 3.3% of population as a whole

6% of population was from Asian groups


Black people were slightly more likely to go to prison for 'actual bodily harm' than white people

Considerably more likely than whites to be sent to prison for possession of class A drugs


Black people were given longer sentences than white people for burglary

Black + Asians are more likely to be given immediate custodial sentence

Black minority ethnic groups are overrepresented in prison