Odysseus' past story: 1. Him and his crew landed on the island of Aeolus who welcomed the strangers and hosted them for a month in his palace. Aeolus, the god of the winds, gave Odysseus a bag of leather in which he tied the winds inside, and also made Zephyr blow in order to help the ships and the crew members be carried across the seas. However, in contrast to Odysseus' first visit to the land, Aeolus showed hostile behavior when the stranger returned for his second visit as a result of him and his crew members' foolishness to let the winds be released out of the gifted bag and therefore carry them away from their home and back to the Aeolus' land. 2. After being cast out by Aeolus, Odysseus sailed for six days and on the seventh, arrived at Laestrygonia. Contrary to the other crew members, Odysseus moored his ship outside of the harbor and sent one slave and two men to explore the land and its people. The three explorers met the daughter of the king of the land who took them to her father's palace. The king and queen turned out to be vicious and cruel beings as one of the explorers were eaten. Odysseus' ship was one of the lucky ones to escape and the rest who were trapped in the bay because of their ships, met death. 3. The survivors reached Aeaea which was a home to the beautiful goddess Circe. There Odysseus fed his crew with a stag that was supposedly sent by a god pitying him and his men. Then Eurylochus led twenty-two men to explore the land and soon all entered the house of Circe except for Eurylochus himself who thought of something suspicious. The goddess used her magic to turn Eurylochus' band of men into pigs which were trapped in her pen. Odysseus heard the news from Eurylochus and on his way to save his crew members, he met Hermes who gave him an antidote to keep him safe from Circe's trickery along with advice to survive and gain help from the goddess once he enters her house. Following Hermes' advice, Odysseus asked Circe to make an oath for him and his men's safety before sleeping with her. He brought all of his men to Circe's house after she returned the ones who were transformed into pigs to their original form. They stayed for a year at her house feasting and regaining their strength until Odysseus received directions from Circe to go to the underworld to meet Tiresias to seek for advice for his future journey home. She tells him to cross the stream of Ocean, tie the ship there, and go into Acheron where he would have to pour libations in the honor of the dead. She instructs him to vow to give offerings once he reaches his homeland, and offer Tiresias alone, a black ram. Circe secretly ties one ewe and one ram to Odysseus' ship before he leaves, as he is to kill them while giving prayers to Hades and Persephone. Then he is told to meet Tiresias for further instructions. Odysseus follows everything Circe had said and although Elpenor is killed because of his own deed before his men set sail, the rest leaves the land safely.