The documentary portrays racism through the entirety of the film, but most importantly, the documentary starts off where the real world events did, with the emancipation of black people in the south. It shows how black people were originally enslaved, and had to work their whole lives without even the slightest glimmer of hope for a nice and relaxing life. After which the story pans into the fact that even after the emancipation, blacks were incarceration and treated as slaves again. One of they key points made in the introduction of the 13th is the fact that the initial as well as the final draft of the emancipation proclamation, and the 13th amendment had a loophole which allowed for slaves, but only if they were criminals. Then, low and behold, thousands upon thousands of more african americans start being convicted unfairly for small crimes. In the introductory part of the documentary, the message of racism against african americans is displayed through the unfair treatment, freeing, and incarceration of them.