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The Odyssey Chapter 1-15 (Reid Ravassipour) - Coggle Diagram
The Odyssey Chapter 1-15 (Reid Ravassipour)
Book One
Book one begins by describing the complicated man, Odysseus, and the thousands of men he fought aside returned home to Greece but he did not. Odysseus is stranded on an island with the goddess Calypso. Athena feels lots of remorse for Odysseus and feels like he should be set free and exclaims these remarks to Cloud God. Cloud recognizes Odysseus as a strong man but tells her that Odysseus must stay for blinding Poseidon's son the cyclops, Polyphemus. Athena prays to the great father and then leaves to find Telemachus in a disguise of Mentes. She meets with Telemachus and tells shim that Odysseus is alive but has a long journey ahead of him to make it home with the wrath of Poseidon. She then tells Telemachus what to do and leaves. Telemachus then says that his mother is looking to marry and then goes to bed thinking of the journey Athen told him to go on a voyage to look for his father, specifically Rylos and Sparta.
Athena was the most prominent character in the first book. She takes action in hopes of allowing Odysseus's return home to Ithaca. She also sends a message to Telemachus that the father is still alive and that he should look for him in Rylos and Sparta.
Telemachus is the supposed son of Odysseus. He watches over his mother and is contacted by Athena in the nice dinner meeting. He knows he is in danger and now is going to go find his father.
Zeus is one of the most important characters because he is the person who does not allow for Odysseus to return back home to Ithaca.
What arises the passion in Athena to help Odysseus?
When did people begin coming to the house of Odysseus and were they invited?
Book 2
Telemachus gave the speech at the town meeting and also prepared the supplies for he and for the crew of journey.
Athena helps by gathering a ship and a crew for Telemachus to leave for Pylos and Sparta.
Questions :
Why did Telemachus choose that the voyage would be one year?
Why does Athena lead Telemachus to Pylos first?
Telemachus gathers the group for the town meeting to inform of how the suitors broke Xenia and his plans to look for Odysseus. During the meeting a pair of eagles fly by warning them that Odysseus will return and when he does he will kill them all if they do not leave. The chapter ends when he prays and Athena helps prepare to sail for Pylos (they do leave).
Book 3
King Nestor tells Telemachus what happened on the journey's home from Troy and the signs the Gods gave them. He also offers Xenia and shows great hospitality.
Telemachus approached Lord Nestor and offered a bull to the Gods, Poseidon and Zeus, and receive important information of Odysseus location.
What is a bard?
Were Lord Nestor and Odysseus acquaintances before the battles of Troy?
Telemachus arrived at Pulos and met with King Nestor (the Gerenian of Pylos). Telemachus asks about Odysseus and Nestor tells him about what happened to the voyages back to Greece after the battles of Troy and how Agamemnon and Menelaus opinions. The chapter ends when Nestor tells Telemachus where Menelaus is and allows for him to spend the night with Pisistratus home.
Book 4
King Menelaus offers Telemachus with open arms as he shows hospitality and tells him of all he knows about the whereabouts of his father. Their interaction ends when he offers Telemachus a treasure made of the purest silver and gold.
Telemachus arrived in Sparta and learned of valuable information form Menelaus and Helen though he was very emotional.
Penelope learns of the journey of Telemachus and prayed for the help of Athena and spoke to the suitors and told them to be respectful of Telemachus's fortune.
The suitors hear of his journey and cooperatively plan a ambush to kill Telemachus.
Athena shows up at the house and tells Penelope to stay strong.
Can Athena get in trouble for helping Telemachus and Odysseus this much?
How did they acquire the drug to mix in the wine from Polydamna?
Telemachus and Pisistratus arrive at the house of Menelaus and Helen inside of Sparta. Menelaus invited them in and dined them with a fine meal and tells stories of Odysseus and how great of a man he was. Telemachus then asked if he had heard any information about the whereabouts of Odysseus and Menelaus answered truthfully telling him about his journeys returning from Troy. Telemachus cannot stop weeping so Helen gives him a wine mixed with trugs to ease the pan. menelaus then points him in the direction he needed to go when Penelope hears about Telemachus's journey and word spreads fast to the suitors. The suitors then plan to attack Telemachus and make plans to kill him whilst he returns from his journey.
Book 5
Zeus finally takes action and allow for the return of Odysseus to his hometown of Ithaca but says that it will be a crewsome journey.
Athena helps by initiating the meeting for the allowance of Odysseus' journey home and provides him with the protection while he arrives at the land.
Odysseus made his own raft using a copper axe and began his treacherous journey when Poseidon changed his path. After many days at sea--nearly drowning--he arrived at land and hid in bushes for rest.
When Poseidon realized that Odysseus was journeying back home without his approval, he made the journey back hell-like.
Ino, the White Goddess, gave Odysseus her scarf to give him protection on his voyage so that Poseidon could not kill him whilst he journeyed back to land.
Why was Poseidon not at the meeting when Athena asked if Odysseus was allowed to leave?
Could Odysseus have died without the help and protection of Ino, the White Goddess?
The book begins when Athen speaks to her father and the gods in hopes that they will allow the Gods return of Odysseus. Zeus agrees with Athena but this agreement happened without Poseidon. Zeus then sent down Hermes to tell Calypso to let god of Odysseus and allow him to leave on a raft that he created to fulfill his destiny. When he left the island Poseidon releases that he attempts his escape and Poseidon attempts to drown Odysseus and breaks his ship, but with the help of Athena's scarf he make it to land safely. When he arrives, he begins with a nice rest in some buch by a river.
Book 6
Athena gives the thought of cleaning her clothing to the princess and helps Odysseus get help at the palace.
Nausicaa, the princess of Phaeacia, realizes he must be there by reasons of the Gods and then offers a form of Xenia because of his pride and wisdom.
Odysseus awakes from his nap in Phaeacia and praises the princess of Phaeacia. He then prays for forgiveness for whomever God seeks his death.
What is an eddy?
What allows for the people of Phaeacia to have the land praised by the Gods?
Book 6 begins when Athena gives a message to the princess of Phaeacia, Nausicaa, to do her laundry by the river. Athena then wakes Odysseus up whilst she is doing the laundry and begs for her care. She then accepts him and she tells him the way to the palace. Nausicaa then tells Odysseus what he must do to get approval from her parents to get safe travels back to Ithaca. The book ends when Odysseus offers a prayer to Athena for forgiveness from Poseidon.
Book 7
Odysseus arrives at the house, hidden by the mist of Athena, and speaks fondly to the King and Queen when he is offered Xenia. He spends the night there and is offered to leave in the morning.
The King of Phaeacia, Alcinnos, shows Xenia towards Oedipus and asks him how he landed himself on Phaeacia. He then says he can live at Phaeacia if he would like or leave in the next day.
Athena helps disguise Odysseus in a magic mist that allows him to secretly enter the palace without people realizing.
How did the people of Phaeacia acquire all their treasures and why is it many are made by Hephaestus?
Why did Odysseus sleep on a porch and not a bed?
Athena appears to help Odysseus enter the place as she leads him inside whilst hiding him using a magic mist. He approaches and is offered Xenia with a place to eat and spend the night. The King and Queen ask questions about his arrival and Odysseus answers truthfully. The book ends when he is given a room to sleep in and offerings that he may leave the city the next day if he wishes to do so.
Book 8
Demodocus, a blind poet, was given a curse and a gift from the goddess Muse. She let him be a wonderful poet and bard but he could not see. He says two things, one about a fight between Odysseus and Achilles, and about the Trojan Horse.
Laodamas, being an ignorant young man, challenged Odysseus to the sports and said he was in his prime.
Odysseus shows everyone he is still strong as he proves the Prince of his ignorance through his wise words.
The King shows pity towards Odysseus and offers him gifts after his son's ignorance. The chapter ends when the King asks for Odysseus' name.
When and why did Poseidon give the Phaeacians their special boats and why does he get mad when they offer their visitors rides back to their home cities?
Does the King break Xenia when he asks for Odysseus's name?
Everyone wakes up and they begin by preparing a boat for Odysseus. They then meet together for a great feast where a blind poet sings about a fight at troy and Odysseus begins to cry while only the King notices him crying. They then engage in sports where the Prince taunts Odysseus calling his physic strong and Odysseus puts them all down when he joins the disco competition and crushes everyone. They all apologies and Odysseus request the poet to sing of the Trojan horse and he cries once again when the Kings asked who he is.
Book 9
Odysseus reveals his identity and begins to tell his story of his journey after the battle of Trou. He begins with telling them his experience when he encounters the Lotus Eater, the Cicones,. After he explains his journey home, he explains how he encountered the Cyclops and how he used "trickery" to stab it in the eye and blind it. This led for the Cyclops asking for Poseidon help, his father.
Not many characters are named in this chapter other than his crew, and how they were not smart, Odysseus saving his crew from the cicones and him using his wits to defeat the cyclops, the lotus eaters who trap the crew, and lastly the cyclops who attempts to murder the crew and then puts a cures on the crew.
Book 10
Odysseus and his crew continued there journey from their encounter with Aeolus, to living in the house of CIrce for a year.
Hermes helps Odysseus when they arrive at Circe' island to tell him what to do to dafeat her.
Aeolus shows hospitality to both Odysseus and his crew and when they leave fives him a gift of a bag of air.
Circe allows for Odysseus and his crew to stay after she does a mighty oath not to harm them and provides them with food and love to Odysseus.
The Giants attempt to attack Odysseus and his crew because of what he did to the Cyclops.
What is a pigsty?
Why does Circe give directions to Tiresias?
Odysseus continues his story of his journey when he picks up with his encounter with Aeolus. Aeolus is the guardian of the winds who helps him by giving him a bag full of air to send them on their way but one of Odysseus' crew members opens the bag and they are sent back. Odysseus asks for another but Aeolus responds in anger and tells him to leave. Then they arrive at the cliffs of Lamos in Laestrygonia where there where giants attempt to kill them by hurling rockets directly at them. Then the chapter ends as he arrives at the house of Circe. Once there, a group of his crew left to find resources when they stumbled upon a house where they were offered tampered wine, becoming animals. Odysseus then leaves in search of them when Hermes appears to tell him how to defeat her and they then stay for a year. Then after the year, they begin their journey again and Circe tells the crew to go to hell (the location).
Book 11
Tiresias is a famous Theban prophet who tell s Odysseus of the journeys he must undergo before reaching his homelands.
Anticlea, Odysseus's mother, meets with him and tells him how Penelope and Telemachus have remained loyal and how his father lives outside the city, avoiding everyone.
Odysseus journey to the land of the dead after he perform a ritual, where he talks to many of his comrades and loved ones.
Agamemnon appears and tells Odysseus about how he was killed by his wife and her lover, and he asks for his help in revenge.
Why will Odysseus kill the suitors with bronze and not a stronger metal such as iron?
Why use a pure black sheep for sacrifice for Tiresias?
Odysseus and his crew arrive at the land of the Cimmerians to perform a ritual and speak to one of his dead crew's comrades. He later meets with Tiresias, the famous Theban prophet, who tells Odysseus of the struggles for he and his crew as he journeys back to Ithaca. After the talk with Tiresias, he talks with many other friends such as his Mom and Agamemnon. Then Odysseus returns to his ship at the end.
Book 12
Odysseus tells Cirice of the journeys and is given adiece. Odysseus hears the sounds of the sirens and asks to be unbound but his crew ties tighter knots around him. Then later he agrees to let his crew to go to the land of Helius but with the exception that they follow his oath. They do not follow and kill cattle whilst Odysseus is asleep. Odysseus awakes and prays to the Gods but with it being too late his crew and ship become destroyed and Odysseus drifts at sea until he arrives at the island of Calypso.
Circe hears what happens when they went to the underworld but then she gives them advice on what to do. They listen and hear the two options that they have to arrive home and she lets them go and gives them a supply of food.
Eurylochus convinces Odysseus the crew needs to go the land of Helius and gives him an oath they will not kill any of the cattle. They do not listen and they make a plan whilst Odysseus is asleep and when he wakes they have made a feast of food. He and the crew then all die at sea because of the tournament of zeus.
Helius sees how Odysseus' crew kill his special cattle and asks for Zeus to curse them or he will give his light to the underworld.
Zeus agrees and helps with Helius and punished Odysseus by killing Odysseus' crew and destroying his ship.
Could Circe have given Odysseus any other possible ways to return home?
Did the crew know that all of the prophets warned them not to go the land of Helios?
After returning back to Circe' island after going to Hades land, Odysseus tells Circe about their journey. She then gives them advice for two possible journeys Odysseus can undergo to arrive home. Then she gives them advice for what to do when they pass the sirens and they leave. Then once past the sirens, Odysseus' crew specifically Eurylochus, convince Odysseus to allow them to stay at the land of Helius but they must give him an oath that they will not kill the cattle. They agree but when Odysseus is asleep, the crew eats Helios' forbidden caddle and Helius asks for Zeus to annihilate Odysseus ship and crew. Odysseus' crew gets annihilated along with his ship and he drifts at aee where after some time appears at Calypso' island.
Book 13
Odysseus arrives in Ithaca with all the gifts and is weary until Athena helps him make a plan.
Athena appears to Odysseus and creates a plan so that he appears as a old man and that he may deceive everyone.
Why does Athena not simply just kill the suitors so they cannot harm Telemachus?
Why would Poseidon not attack the ship on the journey to Ithaca?
The king of the Phaeacians offer for him to come back whenever and give him more gifts than he would have had than if he directly came home from Troy. Odysseus finally arrives home to Ithaca on the ships of the Phaeacians. After he safely arrives from the sleeping stage of the journey, Odysseus arrives on the shore with all of his treasures. Poseidon is mad with the Phaeacians for helping Odysseus and tells Zeus and then Poseidon returns their ship by turning it to stone near the coast of the island. Odysseus is weary at the shore and Athena appears to him in disguise and Odysseus does not recognize her. He then asks for her to make sure if the land was actually Ithaca and then they create a plan together that will allow for him to arrive back to his wife safely. She then changes Odysseus' appearance and he looks like an old man to deceive the suitors so they will recognize him.
Book 14
Eumaeus offers a house to the poor looking Odysseus and he shows hospitality. After hearing the stories, he offers a pig to the Gods and lets Odysseus stay the night.
Odysseus goes to Eumaeus per Athena's request and he tells Eumaeus a legend of how "he" got there and told stories about Odysseus (all good). He then stays the night and enjoys a good nights rest
When did Eumaeus begin his lack of faith in Odysseus?
Will Odysseus punish Eumaeus for showing his lack of faith for Odysseus' return?
Odysseus travels around and then meets with a swineherd, Eumaeus, who offers xenia to Odysseus. He kills and then offers a suckling pig to Odysseus and then Odysseus tells him a story about Odysseus and he then is rewarded as he offers for Odysseus to spend the night and a fattened pig to offer to the Gods and Odysseus.
Book 15
Odysseus insists that he must leave and go tell Penelope about the story how Odysseus will return within a moon cycle but Eumaeus tells him to stay and he does.
Telemachus listens to Athen and decides to leave in the middle of the night. After saying goodbye to the King and Queen, he asks for the son of Nestor to leave him a ways out from the boath. He then leaves where he accepts a old man to join his crew who happens to be Athena.
Athena appears to Telemachus and tells him that he must leave at night. She light the way and appears to Telemachus in the form of an old man and provides them with protection for their journey.
Eumaeus hears of Odysseus' plan to leave and advises him to stay and that there are no problems if he chooses to do so. He became a slave when he was kidnapped by his nurse and brought with a sailor named Artemis. Artemis kills the nurse and when they arrive and dock at Ithaca, Eumaeus is sold to Laertes who treats him well.
King Menelaus and Helen tells Telemachus about a proficy of a eagle meaning that Odysseus is already home and is planning on how to kill the suitors. They also tell him they will not stop him from leaving at night.
Why does Odysseus not leave to see his father Laertes?
Does Poseidon feel any inclination to harm Telemachus because of Odysseus?
The book begins when Athena appears to Telemachus and tells him he must return to Ithaca immediately. She also tells him about the suitors who are going to try to kill him. Telemachus listens to Athena and goes straight to King Menelaus who warns him not to travel at dark but then eventually allows for him to leave. He then asks for a favor from the son of Nestor who drops him off a little ways from the boat. ON the journey, an old man joins them who is actually Athena. Then the scene cuts to Odysseus and how Eumaeus tells him not to enter into the city and begs him and Odysseus listens and stays.