I am interested in the second PT "For artists and scientists which is more important: what can be explained or what cannot be explained? Discuss with reference to the arts and natural sciences?" This PT prompts me to explore the goals of both artists and scientists which allows me to determine the importance of an explanation is to each group of thinkers. For me, I have always been interested in the natural scientists due to the exploration of the unknown and concrete explanations of certain topics. Pondering the importance of what is already explained and what has yet to be explained causes me to want to dive into the philosophy of scientists and their objectives in their research. Though I am interested in the natural sciences, I have never been too into the arts. I am not very artistic, so anything to do with the arts were things I strayed away from. However, I recognize the importance of art as an area of knowledge, communication, and explanation. This prompt allows me to explore this area more and, again, understand the goals of artists and how they define importance for their area of expertise. This prompt enables me to investigate these diverse areas of knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the way thinkers in these realms think.