The Political System of Great Britain

Charles III download

The King is a symbol of the country history and its traditions





New Zealand

meets different people and visits

British Parliament

the House of Lords изображение_2022-11-15_124900245

the House of Commons изображение_2022-11-15_124931311

doesn’t have much power but it is very important as it can offer and change laws, it can delay laws too

makes laws about the policy of the country, taxes and many others things.

There are the following political parties in Great Britain:

These members are permanent. They are often aristocrats, people of the church, lawyers and former politicians.

The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every five years.

the Conservative Party изображение_2022-11-15_124814607

the Labour Party изображение_2022-11-15_124741547

изображение_2022-11-15_124613354 the Liberal Party

