Overview of Curriculum, Approaches, and Methods, and Theoretical Approaches to Curriculum

The grammar-Translation Method

learn a language

mental discipline

The Reform Movement

the main focus




represents the sum of our philosophy

both the theory of language and learning.

The nature of language,

How knowledge of a language is acquired

the conditions that promote language acquisition.


practical implementation of an approach

theory is put into practice at the level a method

the particular skills to be taught,

roles of teaching and learning

appropriate procedures and techniques

he content to be taught,

order of the contents

Reading and writing

learning to benefit

Vocabulary selection

in orden to read its literature

Expected high standards

Alternative approaches to language teaching


an ordered set of techniques

Smaller than a method and larger than a technique

referes to the "philosophy

examine the linguistic and psycholinguistic

Translates the passage

Translates new words

from the second language

is given a grammar rule

memorizes the vocabulary of the second language



the roles of

Syllabus type

Activity types



Role of materials

selected and organized within the method, that is, the syllabus mode

improve the teaching of modern languages

It avocated

student of spoken

phonetic training

introduce conversational phrases

approach to the teaching grammar

establishing associations

The process of developing a language teaching curriculum starts with the design of a syllabus that includes both content and language components.