Approaches and methods in language teaching
Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers
Chapter 1
A brief history of early development in language teaching
The reform movement
The direct method
Language teaching innovation in the nineteenth centry
The method era
The grammar translation method
Approaches and methods in teacher preparation programs
The emergence of methods
Method in teaching is
the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices
based on a particular theory
detailed analysis of grammar rules
memorizing rules
manipulate of the foreign language
The morphology
The syntax
Reading and writing are the major focus
Vocabulary selection is based oh reading text used
sentences are the basic unit of language practice
Grammar is taught deductively
C. Marcel (1793 - 1896)
Reading be taught before other skills
T. Prendergast (1806 - 1886)
Children use contextual situational to interpret
use memorized phrase and routines
F. Gouin (1831 - 1896)
used situations and themes as way
of organizing and presenting oral language
Discipline of linguistics was revitalized
científicos analysis and description of the sound systems of language
International Phonetic Association was founded
study of the spoken language
good pronunciation habits
use conversation texts and dialogues
Foreign language could be taught
directly through demonstration and action
Students be able to induce rules of grammar
teach new vocabulary
Principles and procedures
instruction vas conducted
oral communication skills were built
correct pronunciation and grammar
exclusively in the target language
in carfuly graded progression organized
were emphasized
Approach or method refer
set of teaching procedures
that define good practice
1950 - 1960
Comunicative approach
situational method
Silent way
The natural approach
Total physical response
provide a view of how the field of language
Introduce teacher to the issues and options
introduces a variety of principles and procedures
Chapter text2
The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching text
Approach and method
set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature language teaching
overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material
Technique is implementional
particular trick, stratagem or contrivance
used to accomplish and immediate objective
are three
1 Approach
theories about the nature of language and language learning
serve a source of practices and principles
Theory of language
Models of language have influenced language teaching methods and approaches
Structural model
Functional model
Cognitive model
Theory or learning
Language reflects properties of the mind
Learning as abstract knowledge acquisition
Mind as a computer
system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning
Interactional model
sociocultural models
defined in terms
grammatical units
grammatical operations
Phonological units
Lexical items
vehicle for the expression of functional meanings
linked to the concept of communicative competence
performing real world activities
vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations
Performance of social transactions between individuals
focus on the patterns of:
interaction found in conversational
view language as a communicative activity
reflect the learner's:
Knowledge is contracted through social interaction
genre model
texts are the units of discourse that occurs
in differents genres succes as:
Lexical model
Prioritizes the role of lexis and lexical chunks or phrases
highlights the interrelatedness of grammar and vocabulary
rich and diverse set of theories
to explain how languages are learned
Interactional theory
Creative construction hypothesis
Skill learning
cognitive - code learning
sociocultural learning theory
individual factors
process in which specific behaviors are acquired
response to specific stimuli
correcto response are reinforced and increase
involve habit formation through repetion and reinforcement
depending on both deductive and inductive
Students are taught grammatical rules which they then apply in practice
learning was cognitive process
creative process that has common features regardless of the learner's background
Error are seen as evidence of learning rather than signs of faulty learning
learning is not simply a question of reproducing input
over time skills can become automatic and do not require conscious attention - automatic processing
integrated sets of behaviors that are learned through practice
consciusly managed and directed by the learner - controled processing
depends on learners working together to achieve mutual understanding
role of instruction is to support these interactive process in the classroom
learning is an interactive process
Knowledge does not exist independently of the meaning constructed from experience
emphasizes that learners are actively involved in their own process of learning
result from the learner's internal construction of meaning
resulting between a learner and more knowledge other person
extension of both
interactional theory
attributes individual have an important influence on learning
learning style preferences
affective factors
level of method analysis in which consider:
type of learning task
roles of learners
language content is selected
roles of teachers
The objectives
role of instructional materials
a method sets out to achieve
especificaron of particular learning outcomes
determine what learning outcomes
The syllabus
refer to the form in which linguistic material is specified in a course or method
Make decisions about:
What to talk about
how to talk about
typpe of learning and teaching activities
directed interaction of teachers, learners and material in the classroom
differences the level manifest in the choice of different kinds of learning and teaching activities in the classroom
attained through the instructional process
Learner roles
Multiple intelligences
The people learn in different ways
were assigned mucho more power and autonomy
Teachers role
Teacher as a source of knowledge and direction
role of instructional materials
specified respect to objectives, content, learning activities and roles
form of materials
relation of materials to other sources
goal of materials
abilities of teachers
Last level of conceptualization and organization
There are three dimensions
the way in teaching activities are use for practicing language
the procedures and techniques used to giving feedback
the use of teaching activities
focuses on the way a method handles the presentation practice, and feedback phases of teaching
Factors responsible for the rise and fall of methods
Paradigm shifts
Language teaching is subject to the influence
of changes in the theories found in the supporting
Support networks
Promoting or explaining a new teaching approach or method are also crucial
A method that is simple to understand requiere little time to master
Teacher's language profiency
Language teacher are not native
often achieve very good results
compatibility with local traditions
styles of teaching and learning
difiere significantly in different parts of the world
Teaching is viewed more as a facilitor
Teaching is viewed as a teacher controlled
A checklist for the adoption of an approach or method
widely accepted
depends on the relative ease or difficulty of introduction
Has it been tested out in some schools and classrooms before teachers are expected to use it?
Who recommends it? Is it supported by the recommendations of authorities and experts?
How compatible is it with teachers' existing beliefs and attitudes and with the organization?
What advantages does the new approach or method offer?