Chapter 3.1
What is occupational health?
What is occupational hygiene?
Discipline of anticipation, recognition, evaluation and
control of all factors in workplace
Recognition of hazard
Identifying the potential hazard that a chemical, physical or biological agent that may harm
Source of hazard, work practice, nature of expose and existings control
Anticipation of risk
During design state of a process of chemical before starting work operations
Evaluate risk
Evaluation of the extent of exposure to chemical hazards
Control of the chemical, physical or biological agent by procedural engineering or other technique
The importance of Occupational Hygiene
Regain Lost Hours
Effective Employees
Increased Productivity
Save Money
Manage Healthcare Costs
aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards.
The health of the workers has several determinants, including risk factors at the workplace leading to cancers, accidents, musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory diseases, hearing loss, circulatory diseases, stress related disorders and communicable diseases and others.
- Guidelines on Preventing and Responding to Drugs and Alcohol Problems in the Workplace, 2004
- Guidelines for the Protection of Employees Against the Effects of Haze at Workplaces, 2013
- Guidelines on First Aid in the Workplace (2nd Edition), 2004
- Guidelines on Occupational Health Services, 2005
- Guidelines on Reproductive Health Policy & Programmes at the Workplace, 2002
- Guidelines on Medical Surveillance, 2001
- Guidance for the Prevention of Stress and Violence at the Workplace, 2001
- Guidelines on Aedes Mosquito Control in Construction Sites, 2015
Principle of control
Principle of risk control
Hierarchy of control measure
Engineering control
Administrative control
Personal protective equipment
- Guidelines for Control of Occupational Noise, 2005
- Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health for Design, Inspection, Testing and Examination of Local Exhaust Ventilation System, 2008
1.Guidelines On Heat Stress Management At Workplace 2016
Heat Stress Evaluation And Control
The hazard of heat stress
Occupational Hygienist (OHyg)
Hygiene Technician
Occupational Health Nurse (OHN)
Occupational Health Doctor (OHD).
Safety and Health Officer
-Getting rid of hazardous job, tool, process, machine or substance
-Subs the work with less harm way possible
Change in work procedure
Make sure workers learn about safety and wear PPE all the time when at work