CHINA 1450 - 1750



Emperor Yongle (reigned 1402-1422) sought to compile all previous writing on history, geography, ethics, government, and more

had efforts to eliminate all signs of foreign rule while promoting Confucian learning based on models from the Han, Tang, and Song Dynasties

Did not seek to assimilate people

Central Asia becomes more urbanized under Qing Dyanasty

Rejected maritime empire, but built a massive land empire

Initially, ended all relations with Central Asia and the Middle East

Silver replaced paper money

Reestablished the civil service examination system

Created highly centralized government

Still had bureaucracy and the civil service exams became very competitive

Emperor lived in the Forbidden City (government was very centralized)

moved capital back to Beijing

Initially moved capital to Nanjing (“southern capital”) on the Yangzi River

Adapted to many of the old Chinese ideals and customs one of them being the kow-tow

Used Confucianism to legitimize his rule

Imposed strict limits on imports and foreign visitors

Two of the most important emperors were Kangxi and Qianlong

Built canals, reservoirs, and irrigation works & planting a billion trees to reforest China

the economy rebounded & international and domestic trade flourished = population growth

Population outpaced food supply but not evident before 1750

During 15th century, China had recovered and was the best-governed and most prosperous of the world’s major civilizations

One of the best-known products of Ming technological advance was porcelain

oversaw the construction of the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing, a historical site located on the south bank of the Yangtze

Was a Patriarchal society

Women encouraged to commit suicide after husbands died

The Kangxi Dictionary was a Chinese dictionary which contained about 47,000 characters.

Sometimes considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World

It was mostly destroyed in the 19th century during the course of the Taiping Rebellion.

Their rule spanned about 130 years

Made a culturally rich empire

launched an enormous fleet in 1405 which participated in seven expeditions in 28 years

Managed Chinese economy very welll

Captained by the Muslim eunuch Zheng He (Jung Huh)

Visited ports in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, India, Arabia, and East Africa

Emperors supported printing and distribution of materials


Zheng He’s expeditions were officially described as “bringing order to the world”



Porcelain became major art form during Ming and Qing

established Chinese power & prestige in the Indian Ocean while exerting Chinese control over foreign trade in the region

Population growth supported by trade and influx of American silver




New silver supplies generally helped Chinese economy

Showed respect for Mongolian, Muslim, and Tieban cultures of conquered regions

Wanted to enroll foreign peoples into the Chinese tribute system where they presented tribute, performed rituals of submission, and received gifts, titles, and trading opportunites in return