12 Determinants of Health
Income and social status
Social support networks
Education and literacy
Employment/working conditions
Social environments
Physical environments
Personal health practices and coping skills
Healthy child development
Biology and genetic endowment
Health services
- Finances
- Extra help in school systems ( tutors, social worker)
- VIU mentor?
- Before & after school care
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- Proper nutrition
- Safe space (healthy home dynamics)
- Clean environment
- Home to live in
Support System
- Community
- Family
- Friends
- Creating a safe space for more cultural festivities
- embracing all cultures as because they are unique and beautiful
- Equality
Access to:
- Medical doctors
- Dentists
- Optometrists
- Pharmacists (medication)
- Psychologists (Social workers as well)
- Naturopath
- Dietitian
- Art Therapy
- Exercise (gym, sports, yoga etc)
- Financial advisor
- Childcare
- Faith
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- Social worker
- More one on one time in school
- Communication skills ( expressive)
- Learning healthy ways to cope( journaling, exercise, art)
- Self care
Organize someone in each category to help with the trial and get together to brainstorm ideas on how to proceed.
- Get in touch with local non for profit organizations
Ex. Nanaimo Food Share: has a relationship with St. Peters church which has a great space with a hall and kitchen for dietitian talk about nutrition and have a basic cooking class.