Basic Concepts of Health Management.
Mauizatul hasanah 1708260021

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how to monitor the effectiveness of health care Programs

Satisfaction with Program

Goal success

Program succsess

Input and output levels


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Idenury the type or statement to be coded and look at the

ID volume 3 book (Alphabetical Index)


  1. Read and follow all notes or instructions under kevwords

4 Read each note in rackets after the kevword

  1. Follow anv cross-referencina Instructions ("see" and"see

also) found in the Index

Check the

volume I

accuracv of the

code marnas

sheen seeded ir

Read any Inclusion or exclusion under the selected code

or under a chapter or under a block or under a categon

And Duplic healin problems are muu causal. the
solionis millicalsal me sol mons mi-

family medicine in health services

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Completed (comprehensive), integrated (integrated),

Backed by cutting-edge medical knowledge;


comprehensive (holistic), sustainable (sustainable);

Against all complaints and users of health services


as a component of his family; - Regardless of age

gender and in accordance with existing abilities


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Primary prevention includes efforts to prevent


Secondary prevention consists of efforts to stop or

slow down the process of a disease

Tertiary prevention consists of the management of a

disease (which

occurred) to reduce the occurrence of defects


Primary health care

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community partners in implementing healthy living

behavior, maintaining health and most of the daily

health problems. therefore the nace must he as

close as possible to the communitv



primarv heath care

• Praktek dokter mandiri

• Praktek dokter gigi

• Klinik Pratama