:!!: :bow_and_arrow:: SDG 5.6 Ensure universal access to SRHRs as agreed in accordance w/ the Prog of Action of the International Conf on Pop & Devlpt & the Beijing Platform for Action
:goal_net: SDG 10. Reduce Inequ
:bow_and_arrow: SDG 10.2 Empower & promote socio, econ, & pol inclusion of all (irrespective of age, sex, disa, race, ethni, origin, religion, econ, or other status)
:bow_and_arrow:: SDG 10.3 Ensure equal opp & reduce inequa's of outcome (incl. by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies & practices & promoting appropriate legislation, policies & action in this regard)
By making Misoprostol more easily accessible
--> As effective as surgical techniques
Can be used to:
- Induce 1st & 2nd trimester abortions (93-95% effective during 1st tri)
- Assist in prevention & treating post-partum bleeding