Why the league failed in the 1930s
Rearmament problems
Germany rearming aggressively
Japan building up it's army and navy
The rest of the major powers could not disarm, and had to increase their militaries to contend with Japan and Germany, and maintain their positions as leading powers.
Abyssinia 1936
Manchuria 1931
Japan walks out of the league of nations
Countries ignoring the league
Britain and France prioritised their own national interests, rather than the interests of the League. This weakened the League significantly
USA still refused to join the League. Without the major power of the US, the League was powerless to do anything
Spanish civil war
The League does not issue sanctions, and is powerless to stop Japan, as the member countries fear another war
Germany ignored the League. Hitler never believed in the Treaty of Versailles, and so he never listened to the League, which was founded on the treaty.
The League did nothing, and just watched on
Germany and Italy intervened, taking sides and using their military to force a result in the war. Britain and France did nothing to hinder or stop this involvement in the war.
Italy invades Abyssinia, knowing it will not be punished, like Japan in 1931
The League does nothing to Italy
All countries in the West, particularly Britian and France are scared of another war, and know that another war will harm more civilians than ever before
Public opinion is against war
Review in Britain states that it will not be ready for a war until 1942
Britain is also committed to maintaining it's empire. Because of this, Britain is in no position to use its power for the League