Childhood as a social construct
Jane Pilcher (1995)
Modern idea of childhood is seperateness
Childhood is seen as a clear, discinct life stage
Children occupy a different status
Idea that children are innocent and happy
Stephen Wagg
Pilcher's idea of children is not universal
Believes it is socially constructed
Childhood is what particular societies say it is
Childhood isn't natural
Different cultures and ethnicities etc go have different childhoods
Some cultures don't have that different status'
Ruth Benedict
Children in non-industrial societies are treated differently from modern counterparts
They take responsibility early
Less value is placed on children showing ovedience to adults
Sexual behaviour may be viewed differently
Less of a dividing statues between child and adult
Childhood is not universal
Socially constructed
Samantha punch
Studies in Bolvia
Once children are around 5 they are expected to take on work responsibilities
This is within home and the community
Tasks should be taken on without question
Lowell Holmes
Study of a Samoan village
Too young was never an execuse for someone to perform a task
Parents do not object if a child thinks they can perform a task
Raymond Firth
Western pacific Tikopia
Doing as you are told by an adult
This should be a concession by the child
Bronislaw Malinowski
Islanders of the south-west pacific
Adults had a certain attitude
'Tolerance and amused interst' towards children's sexual explorations
Philippe Areis
In the Middle ages childhood did not exist
Children were seen as having a different nature than adults
Childhood as a separate age stage was short
Work began at a young age