Why did so many people die when the TT sank?
Key Facts
Sailed 12th April 1912
2,200 people on board
Built in 1909-1910
First class
Second class
Third class
Harland Wolf - Belfast
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Biggest ship of all time
269 meter long
Sank 14th/15th April
Why did it hit an Iceberg?
Captain Jack Smith
Ambition to be the fastest ship to cross the atlantic
Top speed
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None for the lookout
none due to the rush to get the TT ready to sail
Why did so many die?
Not enough Lifeboats
No lifeboat drill
Belief that the ship was unsinkable
The boat design was poor
Rivets were too weak
the iceberg hit cause massive damage
The metal of the boat was too weak
The people could not be saved
Killed 1500
706 survived
The SOS call was slow
Other ships did not respond to the SOS flare
half filled lifeboats
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