Soul Care for House Moms:
A multifaceted approach which realizes the house mom as a whole person, not just an employee. This approach includes compassionate listening, focus on scripture and prayer together with the house moms. This approach includes goal-setting for each mom, each according to her needs, for a vibrant relationship with Jesus, and a healthy body and mind.
What Soul Care is Not:
Soul care is not Human Resources. Grievances can certainly be taken to Jesus in prayer together, and we can seek God's opinion of the matter through the Word, but organizational issues will not be solved here and moms will be encouraged to bring such issues to the HR department.
Soul Care is not fixing people. Rather, it is a compassionate coming-alongside in support and encouragement and realizes that each person is a work in progress and with our surrender, God is the one who is working this process out in each of us (Philippians 1:6).
Physical Health Goals
What goals can house mothers make to take care of themselves physically? What can they make personal choices about and what do they need help with?
In regards maintaining physical health, there is a significant issue with finances. House mothers have very little security for health emergencies. This is more than a small need, this is an injustice and MUST be addressed in a timely manner by the organization.
Good leaders are always learning. Our house moms are leaders - people of influence - and it is important to cultivate a desire for personal learning and growth in areas that are of interest to them. Giving moms outlets for passing on what they have learned, or applying what they are learning, will be empowering and encouraging and also equip them for the things the Lord has ahead of them should they choose to remain at DEA for years or move on to something else. We want our house moms to only to have experience when they leave DEA, but also be more equipped to step into whatever the Lord has prepared for them next, because we care about her.
House moms choose a topic of interest to learn more about. Follow up with moms and see how acquiring good knowledge is affecting them in different areas of their lives.