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Thyroiditis - Coggle Diagram
Diagnosis Banding Benjolan Di Leher
Grave disease
Thyroid papillary carcinoma
Etiologi, Klasifikasi & Faktor Resiko
Hashimoto's disease
Postpartum thyroiditis
Subacute throiditis
Silent/Paintless thyroiditis
Radiation-Induced thyroiditis
Acute thyroiditis
Faktor Resiko
Female, aged 5–12 years, Have a respiratory infection, such as COVID-19. Have a birth defect, such as a piriform sinus fistula, Have low immunity due to HIV/AIDS, chemotherapy, or taking immunosuppressant drugs.
Thyroiditis Hashimoto
Thyroiditis limfositik subakut
Thyroiditis postpartum subakut
Toxic obat amiodarone
Infeksi Bakteri
Diagnosis Banding Tiroiditis
DeQuarvain thyroiditis
Diagnosis Banding Tiroiditis
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Penegakan Diagnosis
Complete blood count
Thyroid antibody tests.
Thyroid function tests
Inflammatory markers
Patofisiologi Tiroiditis & Symptoms
Gugup, cemas, gelisah, dan mudah marah
Berat badan turun tanpa sebab yang jelas
Nafsu makan meningkat
Jantung berdetak cepat
Lemah otot
Mudah berkeringat
Sensitif terhadap panas
Acute thyroiditis is usually caused by infection with gram-positive bacteria
(Streptococcus or Staphylococcus), anaerobic bacteria, or fungi. The thyroid
gland actually has a good resistance to infection because it is encased by a
capsule rich in blood vessels and lymphatics.
Anatomi, Fisiologi Kelenjar
Tiroid (Sintesis & Regulasi)
ANATOMI = The thyroid is the largest endocrine gland in the human body, located in the neck and
front, which consists of two parts (right lobe and left lobe). The two lobes are each 5
cm long and join at the midline, forming a butterfly-like shape.
FISIOLOGI = The thyroid gland has the main function of supplying thyroid hormone for regulating
The thyroid gland has the main function of supplying thyroid hormone for regulating
primary hormones, namely thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
Komplikasi Tiroiditis
Heart Disease
Disorder of other organ
Impaired fertility
Tatalaksana Tiroiditis
The management of thyroiditis is determined according to the etiology. In
acute thyroiditis due to bacterial infection, management includes
antibiotics, whereas in subacute thyroiditis due to viral infection, treatment
is generally symptomatic because the disease is self-limiting. In other
types of thyroiditis, management can be in the form of observation,
medical therapy, or surgery according to the course of the disease.
Edukasi & Prognosis Tiroiditis
EDUKASI = Consumption of adecuate iodine
Goitrogenic food must be cooked well
Confirmed yodium status of premature baby
PROGNOSIS = The prognosis for thyroiditis is generally reported to be good. Mortality is
rare, unless there are complications such as thyroid storm or myxedema
coma. In addition, some examples of other complications that can occur are
thyrotoxicosis, abscess, sepsis, thyroid lymphoma, and carcinoma.