New Zealand's Climate


New Zealand weather

Homes, Building, and places


Sea's in New Zealand rise high causing:
-more coastal erosion

This can damage:

Increase in rainfall can challenge stormwater network

The far north of the North Island has subtropical weather during summer – while the inland alpine areas of the South Island, can be as cold as -10°C (14°F).

-spring: September- November
-Summer: December- February
-Autumn/Fall: March- May
-Winter: June- August

Clothing you should were in NZ:
-Wet weather gear, a wind proof jacket, woolen sweater and strong footwear should be high on your list.
-in hot weather, wear sun hat and sun glasses, and short sleeves, and shorts.

Climate changes


NZ's climate is complex and varies from warm summer in the far north to cool temperate in the far south with severe alpine conditions in the mountains.

Hotter temperatures and heatwaves may bring health issues for vulnerable groups, particularly the elderly and babies, as well as outdoor workers.

It increase:
homes, buildings, and places that are at rick of becoming less livable, damaged, or destroyed-

Also at risk is culture, cultural heritage and associated mātauranga

Homes and buildings are climate resilient and meet social and cultural needs

New and existing places are planned and managed to minimise risks to communities from climate change

Threats to cultural heritage arising from climate change are understood and impacts minimised

Homes, buildings and places also look at responding to risks from the National Climate Change Risk Assessment relating to buildings, Māori wellbeing, and cultural heritage.



Places that are used to getting lots of snow might get more rain instead.

Some ski resorts might have to close because of climate change.

There may be shorter seasons for other cold weather activities, like outdoor ice skating, snowmobiling, and ice fishing.

Higher sea level will mean less space at the beach.

A combination of stronger storms and sea level rise could increase the rate of erosion along the coast, and some beaches could disappear altogether

The climate change can impacted employment across sectors and regions

These impacts will extreme weather events such as droughts, heat waves, heavy precipitation, and increased occurrence and intensity of cyclones, or sea level rise, rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns

What happened to homes, buildings, and other places when climate changes?

Climate changes housing because:
-the cost of repairing house constantly rises
-those who can't repair and rebuild their homes are constantly moving
-with different climates, the repair payment is different

the climate change on cities can make it even harder to repair because of how close the buildings are and how much repair there is to be done

depending on the other places can effect how bad the climate and effect it.