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1 Corinthians 15 - Coggle Diagram
1 Corinthians 15
Why did Jesus die? Q asked to people on the streets. Answer: “Everybody dies. Nobody lives forever. So who cares why.” I mean she has a point. Statistically speaking 1 in 1 die.
Richard Dawkins (Athiest) “If the resurrection is not true, Christianity becomes null and void”
Martyr: Buddha, Mohammed - none of other religions at their core resurrected saviour. Sets Christiantity apart. Cornerstone of Christianity: two sides of the same coin.
- Maybe Jesus didn’t really die. Just swooned. Not dead but beat up. Staggered and fell in a ditch. Made it past 16 guards. Roman flogging killed many / 6 hours on a cross. Rolled away a 2 ton stone in that condition. John 19:33-34 Clot and serum.
- Maybe the authorities stole the body. More people wanted the body than Jimmy Hoffa's body.
- Maybe robbers stole the body John 20:6-8 John see that we missed?Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea brought about a 100 pounds of myrrh and aloes spices and wound the body of Jesus in the cloth wrappings with the spices. Hardend into a cocoon. Cut the graveclothes. Why go through that trouble if it was the most valuable thing there.
- His appearance to the disciples were hallucinations. Hallucinations are subjective. There is no objective reality. It’s like seeing a ghost. And then look at the number of people that saw the risen Jesus after his crucifixion.
1 Corinthians 15:5b-7
500ppl - 11 occasions - 6 weeks. Cynics and sceptics. Thomas. Pizza. I have to see the holes myself.
Many were still alive, testimony in court.
Joseph - family grave for the weekend.
1.Disciples stole body and started a rumor. Roman seal of wax on the tomb. Koninklijke landmacht. 16 guarded. 1 fell asleep all put to death. Broke the seal crucify upside down. Not find the person, crucify the village.
How disciples felt after crucifiction: deepest hope, left everything, setup earthly kingdom. Arrested, tortured, killed. Most of them scattered. Heartbroken. Death is final. Unless there is a resurrection.
First adam. no death category. You weren't there. God is just. Thousands of years later. No second adam. Final. Death affected us all through adam. In Adam all die. In Christ all come alive. So death didn't defeat Jesus. Rather, Jesus defeated death. 1 Corinthians 15:26-27 + 1 Corinthians 15:55-57
The empty tomb assures us that sickness and suffering, death and disease will not have the final word. This is both personal and powerfully hope giving to me. Example
- We would have to try to live a perfect life
Not just justification or glorification, but sanctification
Justification: “an act of God by which those who are unrighteous in themselves are nevertheless declared righteous before God while still in the sinning state.” Justification is a deliverance from the penalty of sin and is a past action for all believers, accomplished by Christ at the cross. By contrast, sanctification is not the act of God declaring a person righteous; rather, it is the continual process by which God is actually making a person righteous. Sanctification is the deliverance from the power of sin and is a present and continuous process of believers becoming Christlike, accomplished by the Holy Spirit’s power and presence.
source of the new life that we live now, as believers. We don’t do life in our own strength, we do it through grace that we receive day by day through our union with Christ. The same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in you, now. That’s a staggering truth.
So today, by diving deeper into the topic of resurrection that Peter started last week in 1 Corinthians 15, you’ll discover what the gospel really means for you, so you can explain it to others.
Lazarus, Martha, Jesus: 1 John 11:25-27
Jesus claimed to be the divine Son of God. Every claim that Jesus made about his deity, his authority, his power to forgive sin, his kingdom and his relationship to God the Father as the only begotten Son was vindicated by his glorious resurrection. We know that He is who He said He is, by His resurrection. If Jesus did not rise, then he was just another failed Messianic pretender.
Romans 1:4 + Romans 4:25 Raised for our justification. vindicated: God found the sacrifice of His Son to be acceptable. It fully satisfied the wrath of God. We are vindicated or justified before a Holy and Living God.
- We have no hope of rising from the dead.
Peter last week, glorification